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Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />City of Arden Hills <br />1245 W. Highway 96 <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112 -5743 <br />Rip" <br />Dear Mayor Harpstead and City Councilmembers: <br />At its November 8, 2010, City Council meeting, the Roseville City Council received feedback from many <br />residents that live in the neighborhood south of the Presbyterian Homes site. The residents had come <br />to the meeting to express their concerns about the proposed new Presbyterian Homes project that we <br />understand will be before the Arden Hills City Council for project consideration. The City Council <br />discussed the feedback received, and would like your help to address the concerns that were brought <br />up. <br />The most significant concern of the residents in the area was the change in traffic patterns. Currently, <br />the area along County Road D is not internally connected to the majority of the Presbyterian Homes site. <br />The vast majority of traffic from the site has its main access to Lake Johanna Blvd. <br />The proposed new access to County Road D at the south end of the project site is aligned with Wheeler <br />Avenue in a four way stop configuration. Residents strongly believe that this configuration will create an <br />attractive alternative to using Fairview Avenue for residents and employees on the site. This will cause a <br />significant increase in the volume of traffic through their quiet residential neighborhood from drivers <br />headed to Lydia Avenue, and a resulting decrease in the safety of that street for the residents. The <br />residents and City Council discussed several alternatives to this configuration, and ask that you consider <br />these as a means of reducing the potential traffic impacts to that neighborhood: <br />1. Disconnecting the internal road that leads from County Road D to the northeastern portion of <br />the site. <br />2. Moving the proposed County Road D access to the west (preferably to the west end of the <br />proposed parking lot) so it does not directly line up with Wheeler Avenue. <br />3. If the access remains at its current proposed location, consider design alternatives for the <br />proposed County Road D access that would discourage traffic exiting the Presbyterian Homes <br />site from using Wheeler to access Lydia Avenue. <br />Prior to approving this new access as a part of the project, the Roseville City Council respectfully <br />requests that a traffic study of this proposed new ingress /egress to the Presbyterian Homes property be <br />conducted. We would like to know more about how this connection will impact the Roseville <br />neighborhood to the south. This can be accomplished through the development of a traffic model to <br />provide more information about the routes vehicles will take to leave and enter the site. We are <br />interested in finding out how many vehicles will be using Wheeler Ave., Shorewood Lane or Shorewood <br />2660 Civic Center Drive Roseville, Minnesota 55113 <br />651- 792 -ROSE TDD 651- 792 -7399 <br />Recycled paper 30 °i° post- consumer content <br />