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Meagan Beekman <br />From: holdenbj24 <br />Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 12:01 PM <br />To: Meagan Beekman <br />Subject: Fwd: Presbyterian Homes Development <br />Original Message <br />From: Chuck Julie Watkin <watkin1> <br />To:; david .grant @ci.arden-; holdenbj24; FranH116; <br /> <br />Sent: Mon, Nov 22, 2010 7:20 pm <br />Subject: Presbyterian Homes Development <br />Dear Arden Hills City Council Members: <br />We are 15 -year residents of Roseville on Shorewood Lane who will be adversely impacted in our neighborhood quality of <br />life and property value by the PH Development. We simply request that, at a minimum, the plans be changed to reflect <br />the changes proposed below by those in our neighborhood. In our opinion this does not adversely impact the <br />development but rather would demonstrate collaboration and cooperation by PH and the Arden Hills City Council. This <br />has not existed in the planning process to date. We ask that decisionmakers put themselves in our shoes as <br />impacted homeowners in making their decisions on this development. We don't understand why PH would want to charge <br />ahead with a plan that has such negative implications for homeowners (including safety of children) when reasonable <br />alternatives such as those outlined below are available. We want to work with PH and would like to see that <br />organization and the AH City Council demonstrate the same desire. Thank you. <br />Charles and Julie Watkin <br />3076 Shorewood Lane <br />612.709.8192 <br />Proposed Changes to Existing Plan <br />The Wheeler /Shorewood Lane, Shorewood Drive Neighborhood Preservation Coalition proposes the following changes to <br />the Presbyterian Homes PUD. <br />We respectfully request that the Arden Hills City Council approve the following changes to the Presbyterian Homes <br />proposed development. <br />1. Eliminate the southeast driveway and its exit onto Wheeler /Cty D— <br />This will assure that the additional new traffic from the development is not encouraged to use residential streets but <br />instead follows the site's existing traffic flow pattern. In addition the proposal assures that the employee traffic <br />(approximately 310 daytime workers) will not be using Wheeler /County D as their primary ingress /egress to the property. <br />We hope that this also discourages their trips through the neighborhood. We believe these changes will help minimize the <br />additional new traffic burden on Wheeler St. and Shorewood Lane and Shorewood Drive and help to preserve the <br />residential nature of the neighborhood immediately adjacent to the proposed development. <br />2. Move the parking lot for the east brownstone building to the north side of the building to preserve greenspace on the <br />south side adjacent to the neighborhood. Add a berm to the south side of the east brownstone with several large pine <br />trees. The driveway for the building should also use the existing driveway onto County D opposite Cox Insurance. This <br />change results in a triple benefit to the proposed project and the adjacent residential neighborhood. <br />a. Residential neighborhood traffic effects are minimized <br />1 <br />