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November 22, 2010 <br />To the An Hills City Council <br />That* you for the ::elestIOnt:: pre and am <br />excted :about the possibilfty of a eei Presbyterian Homes has so much to <br />offer and has been an enjoyable experience for me. Some of the :things 1 Ot40,(::::0r0 using <br />the therapy pool and 10441.0g or :part:11).4-00g in the current events discussion group. 1 <br />can see therobund..bein4benofiti41 it would offer thiritlike <br />:•!better layout and more convenient laundry <br />Thank y ou for consderin this project ,and th positive impact it will h4ye:.::or, the <br />re4'4004 living here. <br />Verona Scilmid all <br />