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formal written notice thereof to the Developer. The Developer will, at its sole expense, <br />provide for the defense thereof with counsel of its own selection, but approved by the <br />City, which approval shall not be unnecessarily withheld or delayed; the Developer will <br />pay out costs and expenses, including attorney's fees incurred and so defend against such <br />claims, provided that the City shall, at all times, also have the right to fully participate in <br />the defense at the City's expense. If the Developer fails to defend, the City shall have the <br />right, but not the obligation, to undertake the defense of, to compromise or settle the <br />claim or other matter, for the account of and at the risk of the Developer. All attorney's <br />fees incurred by the City related to such defense shall be paid by the Developer. This <br />Section 6.0 shall not apply to costs incurred or suffered by the City which relate to, result <br />from, or are caused by the City's willful violation of applicable law. <br />7.0 City Remedies. If a default occurs, that is not caused by force majeure, the City shall <br />give the Developer formal written notice of default and the Developer shall have thirty <br />(30) working days to appear before the City Council to discuss the default. If the <br />Developer, after formal written notice by the City, does not cure the default within thirty <br />(30) working days following the Council appearance, the City may avail itself of any <br />remedy afforded by law and any of the following cumulative, not exclusive remedies: <br />A. City may specifically enforce the Agreement. <br />B. The City may suspend any work, improvement or obligation to be performed by <br />the City with respect to the CS affected by the default. <br />C. The City may collect on the appropriate security bond, irrevocable letter of credit, <br />cash deposit or other security applicable to the redevelopment of the Property. <br />D. The City may deny building and occupancy permits for buildings within the <br />redevelopment project. <br />E. The City may, at its option, in regard to landscaping improvements and in regard <br />to damages caused to public or private property as a result of the construction of <br />the redevelopment project on the Property, subject to the determination of the <br />City, perform the work to be performed by the Developer, in which case the <br />Developer shall, within thirty (30) days after written billing by the City, reimburse <br />the City for any commercially reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the City. <br />In the alternative, the City may, in whole or in part, specially assess any of the <br />costs and expenses incurred by the City; and the Developer hereby waives any <br />and all procedural and substantive objections to the isolation of the landscaping <br />improvements and the special assessments resulting there from, including but not <br />limited to the hearing requirements and any claim that the special assessments <br />exceed benefit. With respect to such special assessments incurred in cases of <br />default under this provision, the Developer hereby waives any appeal rights <br />otherwise available pursuant to Minn. Stat. §429.081. <br />8 <br />