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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—October 25, 2010 4 <br /> 7. A. 2011 Pavement Management Program—Feasibility Study (continued) <br /> three options with the report for assessing the multi-family/townhome properties that will receive <br /> benefit from the proposed improvements. These options are: 1. Percentage based on a vehicle trip - <br /> calculation which would be equal to 60% of the assessment rate for a single-family unit; 2. Assess _ <br /> the multi-family unit for only their portion of the improvements or the improvements on their <br /> streets; 3. Assess all units equal and assess all properties at the same rate. After the City Council <br /> decides which of the three options should be used for an assessment methodology, Staff will <br /> finalize the report and then formally submit the report to the Council at the November S, 2010 <br /> meeting along with a resolution receiving the Feasibility Report and setting the Public Hearing for <br /> December 13, 2010. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated this project is in his neighborhood so he will abstain from voting on any <br /> matters relating to this project. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated the City had a public hearing for Presbyterian Homes on <br /> December 13. She suggested having the public hearing for this project at a different meeting. — <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated she would check into November 29 to be sure the City could meet the <br /> legal notification requirements and schedule the public hearing for this meeting if possible. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she would like to have this public hearing before January in order <br /> to ensure the City is able to go out for bids early. In the past this has proven advantageous for the <br /> City and residents. She stated she would be open to having a special meeting if necessary. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated he would also be open to a special meeting if necessary. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked what the life expectancy would be for this road since this project <br /> will be a bituminous reclamation rather than a reconstruction. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated the City had done a bituminous reclamation project in the Briarknoll <br /> neighborhood in 2007. The life expectancy for this type of road is 20 to 25 years versus 12 to 15 <br /> years for a mill and overlay. She stated she would look into this project and provide the <br /> assessment figures to the Council. The cost for reclamation is more than doing a mill and overlay <br /> but is less than it would be to do a full reconstruction. She explained that the reclamation process <br /> was a full depth replacement of the pavement. It is replacing the street without digging up all the <br /> old material, leaving existing curb and gutter in place. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the removal of the landscaped island in the cul-de-sac on Arden <br /> View Court was built into the cost estimate at this time. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated that complete removal of island is not included but modifications to <br /> the size of the island are included. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if making the cul-de-sacs on Karth Lake smaller was included in <br /> the cost estimate. <br />