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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes 12 -01 -10 <br /> Ms. Stephan invited Ms. Guimont to attend the meeting at the committee's request to discuss the Summer <br /> Park Programs for 2011. Ms. Guimont sent the following email for the committee's review and <br /> discussion: <br /> I would like to propose that the YMCA no longer offer Park Play Days at Centerville. We have an even <br /> better opportunity for youth in Centerville now as we are in year two of our Day Camp Heritage. We <br /> would love your support with the new camp and believe it to be a huge benefit for the community & the <br /> Y. Some of the options we offer are: Wee Backpackers, Day Camp, Wild About Nature, Theater, Archery, <br /> Fishing, Arts & Crafts, Canoe, outdoor living and many teen programs as well. <br /> We would like to ask your continued support and are wondering if at all possible we could take the <br /> dollar amount usually given to Park and apply it to Camp. Some of the ways your dollars could be used <br /> are financial assistance /scholarships for kids to attend the camp, help to build a new outbuilding or <br /> shelter or to purchase kayaks to better our progressive boating program. <br /> I would be happy to come to your next meeting to present this option to you as well as take any questions <br /> or clarify anything. I've enjoyed working together for the last S years and hope to continue into our new <br /> exciting opportunities. Thank you, Liz Guimont <br /> Committee Member Haiden stated if the committee were to support the YMCA Day Camp Program <br /> financially, they would like it connected to Centerville somehow, perhaps with scholarship assistance <br /> specifically for Centerville youth. The committee agreed that they would like to support the program in <br /> some fashion, but would like to discuss it with Ms. Guimont at the next committee meeting. Ms. Stephan <br /> will contact Ms. Guimont and ask her to attend, if possible, and supply the committee with more <br /> information regarding the program such as last year's flier, if information is not yet available for 2011, <br /> along with costs associated with the program, such as registration fees. The committee would also like to <br /> see statistics of how many of those registered in 2010 were Centerville youth. <br /> PA System <br /> This item was discussed under Appearances. <br /> Youth Corps <br /> Chairperson Branch requested the committee consider the idea of setting up a Youth Corps and submitted <br /> the following comments for discussion: <br /> At our October meeting Mayor Capra suggested that we set up and sponsor a Youth Corps. In the <br /> following weeks the Mayor and I have exchanged e-mail notes and had a telephone conversation on that <br /> topic. For the December meeting please discuss the idea of a Youth Corps. I will not make that meeting, <br /> but will summarize my ideas here. <br /> 1. The first step must be to establish the purpose. What is the basic reason for setting up this Youth <br /> Corps, I can think of a few: <br /> • To make use of another resource available to the Council and Committee. Members of the <br /> Youth Corps could (I think should) be expected to make a physical contribution to the City. <br /> The two Eagle Scout projects are good examples of physical contributions. <br /> 3 of 8 <br />