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<br />WBLCD - Purpose and Bylaws <br /> <br />Page 3 of4 <br /> <br />1. Directors: It shall be the duty of the board members to attend, insofar as possible, all board meetings. Directors ar <br />excused absences when they call the secretary prior to the board meeting to say they will not be in attendance. Directo <br />not notify the secretary are given unexcused absences. Three unexcused or four excused absences within one year WOl <br />notification to the member's city. <br /> <br />2. Officers: the board shall elect from its membership the following officers to serve for a period of one year: chairper <br />chairperson, secretary, and treasurer. The offices of secretary and treasurer shall be combined unless a resolution is ad <br />the contrary by the board prior to the election. The officers shall hold office at the pleasure of the board. The board she <br />compensation of the officers, <br /> <br />3. ChairPerson: The chairperson shall preside at meetings of the board. In the absence of the chairperson, the vice-d <br />shall preside. In the absence of both the chairperson and vice-chairperson, the treasurer shall preside. If the chairperso <br />chairperson, and treasurer are all absent, a temporary chairperson shall be elected by those present. The chairperson s <br />all rights of a director to speak, make motions and vote. <br /> <br />4. Secretary: The secretary shall maintain a record of the proceedings of the board, be responsible for the custody of <br />of the board, see that notices are duly given and such other duties as the board may assign. If the duties of the secrete <br />delegated to an employee, the secretary shall supervise the performance of those duties. <br /> <br />5. Treasurer: The treasurer shall be responsible for all monies of the district. The treasurer shall perform the duties 01 <br />of treasurer in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, SectIon 1038.671 and, before taking office, shall give a bond to the <br />required by that statute.6. Staff: The boan:! may appoint an executive director or other officers, agents, and employe4 <br />board deems to be necessary. <br /> <br />a. The executive director, when apQOinted, shall: <br />1. be the executive and operating officer of the district; <br />2. serve at the pleasure of the board at a compensation fixed by it; <br />3. be responsible for the operation, management and promotion of all disbict activities; <br />4. have no authority to incur liability or make expenditures without general or speCific directions by the board a! <br />minutes of the board's meetings or these By-laWs. <br /> <br />b. Employees when appointed shall: <br />1. be appointed based on job descriptions approved by the board; <br />2. report to and be supervised by a director designated by the board; <br />3. serve at the pleasure of the board at a compensation fixed by it; <br />4. have no authority to incur liability or make expenditures on behalf of the district without general or specific d <br />the board as shown by these By-laws or minutes of the board's meetings. <br /> <br />V COMMITI'EES <br /> <br />1. Committees: Committees may be formed from time to time by resolution of the board. Members of committees she <br />appointed annually by the chairperson -- subjec.t to the approval of the board and shall serve at the pleasure of the boa <br />Members of committees need not be members of the board, but all committees shall have at least one member of the t <br /> <br />VI CONTROL OF FUNDS <br /> <br />1. Budget: On or before July 1 eadl year the board shall prepare and submit a detailed budget of the district's needs <br />next calendar year to Ihe governing body of each municipality within the district with a statement of the proportion of tl <br />to be provided by each municipality. Upon notice from any such municipality, the board shall hear objections to the bud <br />the hearing, the board may modify or amend the budget Notice must be given to the municipalities of modifications or <br />amendments. <br /> <br />2. Receipts: The treasurer shall issue a serial numbered receipt in duplicate for all money received. The duplicate shal <br />retained for the district records. An erroneous receipt shall be marked "void" and retained. <br /> <br />3. Disbursements: All claims for expenses or disbursements of district funds shall be submitted in writing. No daim sh <br />until approved by the board except: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />4/28/2005 <br />