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<br />DATED Febnuuy _, 2005 <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF COUNTY STATE AID ffiGHWAY 14 (MAIN <br />STREE1) BETWEEN 1-35 W AND 1-35 E IN THE CITIES OF CENTERVILLE AND <br />LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA <br />(8.P.02-614-24) <br /> <br />This Memorandum of Understanding (MOD) is betIwen the County of Aooka, State of ~ a political"'. -. C. { Formatted: Justified <br />subdivision of the State of Minnesota, 2100 Third Avenue North, Anoka, Minnesota, 55303, hereinafter <br />referred to as "County", and the City ofCmtervil.Ie, a municipal corporation ~~)aws of the State of <br />Minnesota, 1880 Main Street, Centerville, Minnesota 55449 hereinafter refCITedtllas the "City" . <br /> <br />. '_.::--,:=-> <br />. ' ,-. <br />";'- -';'-'-" <br />, ,.,.....,.,-'.... -,' <br />The parties to this MOU agree in principle that construction of County S~te Pr~ect No. 02~~~24 and City <br />PrCliect No. collectively referred 1n as fu; "Project" is in.the best interest of the traveling public <br />and that the Preliminary Layout 88 shown in Exhibit "A" defines the design ofthe PrCliect. <br /> <br />'," '--,',' <br />.,". - -. , <br />, ." ..,'. <br />It is agreed that the Exhibit "A" Layout dated February ---,->2Qg?:pat'bCen reviewed and accepted by the <br />parties except as identified in this MOU and is suitable for'Qr final construction documents. Any <br />significant changes made hereafter to the design as presented in the EXh!j)i:I:/'A,'~ Layout will require approval <br />by the parties 8S an amendment to this MOU or addressed in a separate JOif#Powers Agreement (JPA) that v.i.ll <br />formalize this MOD. These same changes will reqpi~..a change in the~bst share to include any additional <br />design engineering cost that may occur. ... .. . .. <br /> <br />INTERSEcrlONS: <br /> <br />As agreed by the parties, improvements to City Street intersections have been incorporated in the <br />Exhibit "A" Layout design: . <br /> <br />.:: ':' ' " ::\.:-~<~, <br />.::' .::.':, <br />1. E Street :;;,_ :~_;': <br />::-:::<.\_. 0,"":>;':::-:':::-':' <br />2a Mound Trail,:[-_:':'"-.-;-:-'-__:'-:''':'::'-'' <br /> <br />3. Peltier Lake Drive.>. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />i ~~~~r~~~:~6~) <br /> <br />7 ...PI-ilgre88 Road <br />8 . preRoad <br />..cp: oad ..; <br />10. .... Trail. <br />11. S .........~ye.. <br />12. Brian t)pve <br />13. CottomMmd Court <br />14. 211t AvenueN <br /> <br />It is understood that future improvements may be required at the CSAH 14 and 21- Avenue N intersection to , <br />accommodate improvements for the future interchange atI-35 E. It is agreed by the parties that+:heJ~~!!\~_~~t./--.- <br />meet jointly to consider any future improvements such as. closing the left turns at the 2}0I Avenue ~ultjs/" <br />agRleli by the parties that the median along CSAH 21 (2(!h Avenue N) and County Road 54 is a design clement <br />thatl~~<?y'~_~etY_al~g!hl?_~J~~!_~~Iis~.ll.l!-!1'.f~_~_~_~.P!I.':~tx_~!lt.l:.E~~Y.._)!_i.ll.~~~!~/-_c- <br />that future improvements will need to be made to CSAH 21 and County Road 54 in the future as development _ <br />occurs. Improvements may include but are not limited to: turn lanes, throu~ lanes, extension of concrete /- <br />,,_ _ _ D _. "_ _ _ _ ~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L ~ _ - - --' <br />Page 1 of5 <br />C:\Documents and Seltirtl!S\1'B&OOm\T.ocm S~pornrv InI:ernet File8'.OLKJD\Center\'i11e-02-.6l4-24MOU 2005-0:Ul5,doc: <br /> <br />Delebtl: the <br />Deleted: iulmlecIionmaybecl<lSllC!to <br />improv" fulwe capacity aIld safeCy ofth" <br />lrig1twgy <br />Deletecl: oigniiiamlly <br />Deleted: SRF.DATA:DATA:Pn:joclll:4 <br />994;Hl-MU :DOC:MOU:Contorville02- <br />614-24MOU.d<lO <br />