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<br />medians. The parties will meet iointlv to consider any future imDrovementsJJ~_~_~!s()ftheseintpr()v~~/-/ <br />will be determined at the time of construction and~ ~_ ~~~ .b)' tlIeQol1nty~ City.llnd ~~~~,. ___ __ _ _. _. ____, <br /> <br />Delet:etl: II is lIIIdmtood thal the cDllIlty <br />resorv...lhe right to extend the ooncrehl <br />modiaos .. shown on El<:bibit "A ~ th=by <br />reduQpg full"""""" points to right in/right <br />out aooe8Be&. <br /> <br />RIGHf OF WAY: <br /> <br />'{ Deleted: are~ to <br /> <br />The parties agree that the County will acquire all necessary right-Of-WllY and easements for the Project. <br />Acquisition of any additional right-Of-WllY and/or easements needed for the improvements to the City street <br />intersections beyond vmat is defined in the Exhibit "A" Layout will be the responsibility of the City. The <br />parties agree that parcels required for the prQject that are owned by the City will be conveye4 to the County at <br />no cost to the County. It is agreed by the parties that the City shall perform all specia.\lissessment searches <br />required for the Prflject at no oost to the CoWlty and the parties further ag:ree that any~ilmerties acQuired bv the <br />county that are not needed in the final right ofwav lavoul will be conveyed to the CitYatll~~?st. . ltis agreed by <br />the parties that all necessary right of way and easements will be in legal possession'ot';P"e County prior to <br />acceptance of bids for the prQject. -- - -- - - "- <br /> <br />BITUMINOUS TRAIL AND CONCRETE SIDEWALK: <br /> <br />The parties agree that the construction of the bituminous trail .~_ concrej,eSidewa1k are eligible for federal <br />funds and that all matching funds will be contributed by the City;W~~rties understand that the cost for the <br />trail and walk includes: bituminoU3 and concrete surfacing, ~tl;: base, sub-drains if required, soil <br />correction, excavation, borrow material (granular and topsoil), and tlif(~"lishment- The parties agree that <br />the County will pay for the design of the trail and walk, wetland mitigatiml'iiquired by impacts causal by the <br />trail and walk, the additional right ofWllY and ea~!~~ed to construct the trail and walk at the proper <br />location, and any removal items, with the exI,lllpl.ioi.dfS<liis;~~.:W construct the trail and walk,.)l'?~e::er, ~~~---{ Deleted:, <br />should the parties not be suCj)essful in obtaininll fedCral fundS fortriils and sidewalk, County shall also pay for <br />exoavation. borrow material. soil oorrections and aggregate !>.ase, <br /> <br />TRAFFIC SIGNALS: <br /> <br />A traffic signal is anticipatedaffue(j~AH 14/CSAlI:h (20th Avenue N) intersection. The parties agree that <br />the signal will be installed,~th this~o.i~ti~.!lIeWarrants are met. The parties agree thatf()i1dUj!~-~~-~/'---i Deleted: oondnit <br />constructed at CSAH 141~~.R~iliterSeCtion. at B:ianDriv~ and. Dupre Road: for -P.J~re sigmls., ____~_,.---- DelBbod. al\Dnrellignal <br />The four-way stoP at CS}\H 14/Centervllle Road Will be oontmued untIl a Sllll1a1 can be mstalled. The median of <br />CSAH 14 at 2101 A VeJ1lle will r~.uil'WeIl for full turning movements until construction of a new interchange by <br />MNDOT. at wh!:l:htliil~,,:si!P1alized intersection shall be installed <br /> <br />_._.,' '. "c,_._,.".. <br />-." ,..". '.."" <br />, ,. . oJ...._ "., <br />"."-"'" ,.'...-..-................-.-....-.... <br />....,.. ,.... ," <br />TRAFFlCCONTROLii........... <br /> <br />-.' ".;',.,.,.- <br />- - <br />;' .:,,:.. <br />,.:....' ',C,> <br />T~~~, understand .~ agree that CSAH 14 will be closed with traffic detoured for a period of time to <br />perfonriS()j1"(eerrecti~.aoo construct the new bridge over Rice Creek. The closure will be limited to the period <br />of time ~.>~icOmplete the soil correction and construct two paved lanes in the area requiring soil <br />correction andCR.i'nItruct the bridge. <br /> <br />DRIVEWAYS: <br /> <br />The parties agree that all driveways affected by the Project will be reconstructed in kind with the cost of any <br />upgrades requested by the City including concrete aprons to be the responSibility of the City. Turnarounds <br />!hammerheads) on driveways are not considered improvements and shall be paid for bv County. <br /> <br />,,-- ~~"~.~-,-------~~..~-~~-~ <br /> <br />Deleted: SRF.DATA:DAT A:Projects:4 <br />994:Hl-MU:OOC:MOU:c..rn::mn..o2- <br />614-Z4MOU.doo <br /> <br />Page 2 of5 <br />C:\Documems and SetI:i:n2sI.TBen&i\Loc:al SBtti'l1lJ&\ Tcmpcmn:v Internet Files\OLK3DiCenl:ervi.lle02~14-24MOU 2:005-054:J5.ooc: <br />