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Alternate lights have been shown on the attached plans as an option for the City. Lighting should be <br /> provided by the developer at the East end of Heritage Street if this portion becomes privately owned. Lights <br /> along the bituminous trail will promote a safe environment. Lights on the north side of the senior center <br /> are shown as alternate based on the City's decision of where to place this portion of the Vail. The lighting <br /> can be seen in Figure 7. <br /> Street trees in the boulevard are a less expensive approach than lighting to designate the downtown zone <br /> and provide a green aesthetically pleasing downtown center. Trees are spaced approximately 50' apart on <br /> side streets and evenly spaced along Centerville Road. This layout is consistent 'th the tree planting along <br /> Main Street. Trees placed in tree grates are differentiated from trees plant g boulevards on the <br /> attached Figure 8. <br /> Figure 9 and 10 represent the typical street sections and relation ip o pedes Section A shows the <br /> recommended Damon Farber design for Centerville Road wit t arking on sides of the road. <br /> On street parking will serve as a convenient access to ma the commercial and re es that will <br /> front Centerville Road. Section 61 shows the recomm sign fo e remaining sid in the <br /> downtown area. On-street parking is not necessary, as the ar ' s in almost ev block <br /> surrounding Centerville Road. Future residents can enjoy more space and screening from these larger <br /> parking lots by providing a wider boulevard less on street park ection B2 shows the areas in the <br /> downtown center that could justify on street p ong Sorel Stree �n fr nt of St. Genevieve Church <br /> on the North side of Sorel Street. These parkin e erve as a co ent access to local <br /> businesses, the church, and other community fun ns. <br /> COST ESTIMATE <br /> The following costs ar project be incurred t an�form the downtown area into a focal point of <br /> . <br /> the city. <br /> TABLE E COST ESTIMATE <br /> Item Total Price <br /> In ion Tre $57,400 <br /> ° Wal and Tra $307,400 <br /> Li htin $353,600 <br /> Plantin d Irri ation $134,800 <br /> Other nities $153,800 <br /> Construction Cost $1,007,000 <br /> Contin encies (5%) $50,400 <br /> En ineerin , Admin., Le al, Bondin (30%) $302,100 <br /> Total Cost $1,359,500 <br /> Alternate Addition- Connection to Coun T�ails $100,200 <br /> City of Centerville Project No: 616-07-1610 <br /> Downtown Redevelopment � Bonestroo Page 20 <br />