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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes <br />01-05-11 <br />they have the time commitment necessary to make it work. Chairperson Branch stated he felt the idea is <br />this group of young people would be established as a way of tapping into that part of our community for <br />their help and as part of their education. Committee Member Seeley felt the idea has merit, but not sure <br />the committee has enough information and does not want to rush into making a commitment. <br />Chairperson Branch had an idea to ask a young person who was involved in the race last year to be part of <br />his 8K Run Committee as part of a trial program and if it works then possibly expand on the idea if the <br />opportunity arises. The committee was in favor of this proposal. <br /> <br />Music in the Parks – Scheduling of Bands <br /> <br />The various options available for this year were discussed. The committee is looking to make this a <br />quality program and perhaps diversify some into different types of music. Ms. Stephan provided <br />information from a group called The Riverside Swing Band, Trisha & The Toonies and also <br />correspondence from Ms. Kathi LaValle listing the availability of the BBB Jazz Orchestra, the 7 Cats, the <br />BBB Combo and the Centennial Community Band. <br />Ms. Stephan and Chairperson Branch were impressed with the music from the Riverside Swing Band <br />who was willing to perform for $400 using the City’s PA system, but this music is similar to Ms. <br />LaValle’s bands and the committee would rather keep the music local. Ms. LaValle has been such a huge <br />contributor to the Music in the Parks Program since its inception. Ms. Stephan had been looking for <br />some ideas for a children’s band such as the Teddy Bear Band, which was quite expensive. It was <br />suggested by the City Clerk that if Trisha & the Toonies were asked to play, their normal cost was $750, <br />but if they did a recycling program or a partial recycling program a portion of that could be charged to <br />SCORE Funds (Anoka County Recycling Program) reducing the committee’s cost. While the committee <br />generally liked the idea of a performance geared towards families with children, they were not in favor of <br />Trisha & the Toonies doing a recycling program. Committee Member Peterson will do some further <br />research into children’s bands and Ms. Stephan will ask Ms. LaValle if she has any contacts. Ms. <br />Stephan will also ask Ms. LaValle which of the dates would work for any of the bands she is involved <br />with giving them first choice for two if they would be willing to come back and play another year. Ms. <br />rd <br />Stephan will also contact Mr. Lee to determine if he is willing to come back for the 3 season and if he is <br />willing to mentor the teen bands once again. <br /> <br />The 6 week schedule for Music in the Parks would continue on Tuesday nights beginning the week <br />thst <br />following the 4 of July, skipping the 1 Tuesday in August which is National Night Out and conflicted <br />with the music program in 2010. In 2010 two events were rained out, but the committee was fortunate <br />enough to be able to reschedule. The committee will formulate an actual bad weather plan and use <br />th <br />Tuesday, August 30 as a back up date, but were also discussing if the band is unable to come back and <br />play on an alternate date is the committee obligated to pay them? This should be laid out in advance and <br />discussed with each band once the committee has more information as to what is done by other <br /> <br />cities/events/bands in this situation. <br /> <br />The committee also discussed if the $1,500 allocated towards the YMCA Park Program is not spent on a <br />YMCA project, it could possibly re-allocate those funds to Music and Movies in the Parks. <br /> <br />The committee briefly discussed having a Movie in the Park Night both in May and in September and <br />will add this item to the February Agenda for further discussion. <br /> <br /> <br />4 of 7 <br /> <br />