457 Governmental Plan and Trust
<br /> becomes an Employee, effective for the month in Plan distribution is not able to care for hislher affairs
<br /> which he/she becomes an Employee, because of a mental condition, a physical condition,
<br /> or by reason of age, the Administrative Services
<br /> (C) Sick, Vacation and Back Pay. If the Employer Provider or the Trustee may make the distribution to
<br /> adopts a policy that permits Participants to make the Participant's or Beneficiary's guardian,
<br /> ' Salary Reduction Contributions from accumulated conservator, trustee, custodian (including under a
<br /> sick pay, from accumulated vacation pay or from Uniform Transfers or Gifts to Minors Act) or to
<br /> back pay, a Participant who will incur a Severance his/her attorney-in-fact or to other legal
<br /> from Employment may execute a Participation representative upon furnishing evidence of such
<br /> Agreement before such amounts are paid or made status satisfactory to the Administrative Services
<br /> available provided: (i) such amounts are paid or made Provider and to the Trustee. Tl�e Administrative
<br /> available before the Participant incurs the Severance; Services Provider and the Trustee do not have any
<br /> ' and (ii) the Participant is an Employee in that month. liability with respect to payments so made and
<br /> neither the Administrative Services Provider nor the
<br /> ' (D) Modification of Participation Agreement. A Trustee has any duty to make inquiry as to the
<br /> Participation Agreement remains in effect until a competence of any person entitled to receive
<br /> Participant modifies it or ceases to be eligible to payments under the Plan.
<br /> participate in the Plan. A Participant may modify
<br /> his/her Participation Agreement by executing a new ARTICLE VII
<br /> Participation Agreement. Any modification will MISCELLANEOUS
<br /> become effective no earlier than the beginning of the
<br /> calendar month commencing after the date the 7.01 NO ASSIGNMfiNT OR ALIENATION. A
<br /> Participant executes the new Participation Participant or Beneficiary does not have the right to
<br /> Agreement. Filing a new Participation Agreement commute, sell, assign, pledge, transfer or otherwise
<br /> will revoke all Participation Agreements filed prior to convey or encumber the right to receive any
<br /> that date. The Employer or Administrative Services payments under the Plan or Trust and the
<br /> Provider may restrict the Participant's right to modify Administrative Services Provider and the Trustee will
<br /> hisJher Participation Agreement in any Taxable Year. no1 recognixe any such anticipation, assignment, or
<br /> alienation. The payments and the rights under this
<br /> 6.04 PERSONAL DATA TO ADMIN- Plan are non-assignabie and nontransferable. Subject
<br /> ISTRATIVE SERVICES PROVIDER. Each to Section 8.15, a Participant's or Beneficiary's
<br /> Participant and each Beneficiary of a deceased interest in the Trust is not subject to attachment,
<br /> Participant must furnish to the Administrative garnishment, levy, execution or other legal or
<br /> Services Provider such evidence, data or information equitable process.
<br /> as the Administrative Services Provider considers
<br /> necessary or desirabie for the purpose of 7.02 EFFECT ON OTHER PLANS. T'his Plan
<br /> administering the Plan. The provisions of this Plan does not affect benefits under any other retirement,
<br /> are effective for the benefit of each Participant upon pension, or benefit plan or system established for the
<br /> the condition precedent that each Participant will benefit of the Employer's Employees, and
<br /> furnish promptly full, true and complete evidence, participation under this Plan does not affect benefits
<br /> data and infortnation when requested by the receivable under any such plan or system, except to
<br /> Administrative Services Provider, provided the the extent provided in such plan or system.
<br /> Administrative Services Provider advises each
<br /> Participant of the effect of his failure to comply with 7.03 WORD USAGE. Words used in the
<br /> its request. masculine will apply to the feminine where
<br /> applicable, and wherever the context of the Plan
<br /> 6.05 ADDRESS FOR NOTIF'ICATION. Each dictates, the plural will be read as the singular and the
<br /> , Participant and each Beneficiary of a deceased singular as the plural.
<br /> Participant must file with the Administrative Services
<br /> Provider from time to time, in writing, his/her 7.04 STATE LAW. The laws of the state of the
<br /> address and any change of address. Any Employer's principal place of business will
<br /> communication, statement or notice addressed to a determine all questions arising with respect to the
<br /> Participant, or Beneficiary, at hisllier last address provisions of this Prototype Plan, except to the extent
<br /> filed with the Administrative Services Provider, or as Federal law supersedes State law.
<br /> shown on the records of the Employer, binds the
<br /> Participant, or Beneficiary, for all purposes of this 7.05 EMPLOYMENT NOT GUARANTEED.
<br /> , Plan. Nothing contained in this Plan, or any
<br /> modification or amendment to the Plan, or in the
<br /> 6.06 PARTICIPANT OR BENEFICIARY IN- czeation of any Account, or the payment. of any
<br /> CAPACITATED. If evidence is submitted to the benefit, gives any Employee, Participant or
<br /> Administrative Services Provider which supports an Beneficiary any right to continue employment, any
<br /> opinion that a Participant ox Beneficiary entitled to a legal or equitable right against the Employer, the
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