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i <br /> . <br /> , <br /> young people with career opportunities. This while freein u sworn officers to en a e in more <br /> � g p g g <br /> , directed policing duties. <br /> 4eadershi <br /> p <br /> My leadership style foste�s a team approach to management and p�oblem solving and reflects <br /> the development of a pos�t+ve organizational culture where peopie feei supported and proud to <br /> be associated with the Department. I am an open, interactive, and inclusive Chief of Police. I <br /> fiave successfutly led our Department and modeled good leadership qualities by treating people <br /> with dignity and respect, listening, sharing in success, compfimenting and commending, setting <br /> individual and collective goals, focusing on the fundamentals, mentoring, instiliing pride and <br /> enthusiasm for what we stand for and for what we accomplish, setting and maintaining <br /> standards of conduct, and influencing the direction of our organizatian. <br /> { manage a Department af 38 empioyees including sworn officers, dispatchers, secretarles, <br /> para-professional community service officers, and an emergency management coordinator. I <br /> have a great deal of experience and expertise in effectivety managing a wide variety of <br /> persannel related issues, e.g. recruitment and hiring, promotion, labor relations, disciplinary <br /> matters, diversity issues, commendation and recognition, employee accidents, on and off duty <br /> injuries, prsgnancies, family and medical leaves, �tc, <br /> I believe that you motivate people to be good leaders by empowering them to do their jobs, <br /> commending and supporting them, listening to their input, delegating tasks while requi�ing <br /> responsibility, providing opportunities for growth and development, making peopte feel valued, <br /> reinforcing integrity, and sharing in the success of the organization. Our success as an <br /> organization depends upon maintaining an atmosphere of cooperatian, trust, and mutual <br /> respect. <br /> At the same time, I believe in maintaining a disciplined organization whereby people are <br /> commended for the doing the right thing and held accountable for misconduct. This approach <br /> transcends every aspect of individual and collective performance and reflects the approach of <br /> our entire management team. <br /> We have been very successful in making the right things happen in our Department by hiring <br /> the right people, providing them with the right tfaining and equipment, establishing the right <br /> policies and procedures, and ensuring the right kind of supervision. We have also hired and <br /> promoted people with those qua{ities and characteristics that 1 deem essential to excellence in <br /> policing, e.g. courage, compassion, integrity, a positive attitude, sound human relations skiffs, <br /> and a dedication to public service. <br /> 84 <br />