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I make important organizational decisions based on my experience, expertise, training, and <br /> education, and as much as possible with the input of thase who are impacted by those <br /> decisions. Unless it is a pressing or tacticai decision that has to be made without delay, 1 try to <br /> be inclusive and interactive so that personnel are more likely ta �upport whatever �he deeision <br /> might be. <br /> Because we are a smaller agency it has been relatively easy for me, depending on <br /> circumstances, to be more personal in the way in which I communicate decisions. Sometimes i <br /> simply talk to people directly or convey decisions to everyone through supenrisors at our staff <br /> meetings. In other situations ! have communicated aspects of decision making by way of <br /> articles in our Newsletter (see enclosed example), distributed drafts of management pfans or <br /> othe� documents, developed policies and procedures, or called individual or team meetirtgs. <br /> Submitted by: Jim Coan <br /> *I have enclosed a recent Department Newsletter as a means of illustrating some of our <br /> accomplishments and of my approach to management and policing. Other supporting <br /> documents, including an Annual Report and Management Plan, will be forthcoming. <br /> 85 <br />