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� " Fall �010 <br /> �° ..� r-�. <br /> Y . � ` � , <br /> • . � 1 1 • • � , - i <br /> •;S <br /> : -�� � � � 7 � F �� 7i<, E :.:vs '� '� i t�� t�� - f ,r`r}� � I . � �j .. <br /> :.."'s � f .. 1 '+(�;.y�5�n F ,f�I �,;:�', . °:s ��f r .:1 � � �' ��j � <br /> ;it lJ,1�� � .:g w . rl <br /> h �. A , K� _. � .:;! '� � :' �-. . +'.J� �:' �'S°}i ...4.v S �ir ..j . <br /> y .� ^ � <br /> � f � .•�, f �., f k � 4��. t .�~ ��M v T� ��' : 5 4�� 4i . <br /> � s, r � ' �;��� � Volume 63 <br /> ,... . . . . . .. . ..,. . . .... _ . ...... , . .., � ... .. . .. ... ...s.,. �a „z:.... M.l. �', d . � .�.<..i�'�l ;:�: •k,;. , tn•n �:,ni <br /> ;..,. ' x .:i:..:....-..e.:;�.,..:.:_ :.,� ��.' .:�:: r...�.n...�Fae�.�.t�.,,L.:r.s..�..::r�e:zma�4wtwd� <br /> Our Greatest Strength have hired and promoted some things. The last six months have been a <br /> By: Chie# Jim Coan outstanding people overthe years. case in point. I am very grateful though <br /> We have been highly successful in our for everyone's dedicatian, caoperation, <br /> As I was refiecting on what seems to be selection of very courageous, and perseverance. <br /> the never ending struggle of hiring and compassionate, and highly professionaf Fieid Training Officers, Communication <br /> training, it occurred to me that in the last men and women - peopfe with a positive Training Officers, Instructors, Supervisors, <br /> several years we have hired and trained a attitude, sound human relation skills, and and Command Staff members are to be <br /> considerable number of new people, e.g. a dedication to duty and public service. commended for the quality and detail of <br /> five officers, one dispatcher, three This is certainly a compliment to our their work. This is particularly <br /> community service officers, and one hiring, training, and promotional noteworthy given the fact that hiring and <br /> support services person. We have also processes. It is also a tribute to those training have been nearly non-stop in one <br /> promoted two new Sergeants and a who were hired, trained, and promoted form or another. <br /> detective. A rapid change in personnel over the last few years, as well as to the In particular, FTOs and CTOs continue <br /> can, and often does, result in various willingness of everyone else in the to serve as an integral part of our hiring <br /> forms of organizational dysfunction and Department to lend a helping hand. process as well as providing a critical link <br /> upheaval. The hiring, training, and promotion of between classroom training and field <br /> I am extremeiy pleased to observe that quality people stands as an extremely application. Our trainers and supervisors <br /> so far we have escaped with no important endeavor and one that has have also played an essential � role in <br /> extraordinary adaptation problems. In criticai implications for the very future of critiquing and assessing new personnel. <br /> fact, I believe that we have coped very our organization. It is an intense and The fact that we have let people go in <br /> well with a great many personnel time consuming process. Being in an field training and/or probation is a <br /> changes and issues in recent years. almost constant state of hiring and compliment to the integrity of this <br /> Through it all we have maintained our training can also be a rather frustrating function. <br /> professionalism and continued to deliver and stressful experience. Although we I continue to be very impressed by the <br /> quality safety service to our community. have done a pretty good job of staying dedication and integrity brought to the <br /> It seems that we have even become a ahead of the game, we seem to be hiring, training, and promotional <br /> more cohesive group of peopie as a continually involved in some form of processes and 1 commend everyone for <br /> result. hiring and training. their intense efforts. i believe that the <br /> This all reinforces my very strong belief In addition, with so many other policing future of our Department remains very <br /> that human resources, i.e people, responsibilities deserving our attention, it bright and that together we stand ready <br /> continue to be the greatest strength of seems as though we never get caught up. to effectively and professionally deal with <br /> our Department. Although the hiring and Just when we think that things are any challenge that might confront us. <br /> promotional process is not an exact becoming stable from a staffing Thank you all for a job well done! O <br /> science, we have been very fortunate to standpoint something else changes <br /> �. ;.v��., w �,. �7.• `�•h�a ' , � r 'ffi'� 4��� ' <br /> WPD Personnel Update � '� � ,��,,: <br /> f�•,. <br /> New Patrol Officer � ��; '� <br /> 3'' . � a� �X�,�.� . <br /> P{ease we{come our newest patrof officer losh Erickson. Josh started field .c��° = <br /> '� � <br /> training on August 16` He is scheduled to finish his field training on November f w <br /> : J �;�� <br /> 18th. Josh is married and lives in Union Grove. Josh earned his Bachelors De ree ��y=� <br /> g ��v <br /> in Criminai Justice from UW-Parkside and completed recruit academy at Gateway '' <br /> Technicai College, fn addition, he completed an internship with the Round Lake, <br /> � <br /> � IL PD.losh has a pilot's license and enjoys flying in h+s spare time. Welcome ! s$ <br /> New Communitv Service Officer � f`` <br /> Please welcome our newest CSO Derrick Schleis. Derrick began working for us on <br /> '� June 28th. Derrick is a 2009 graduate of Whitewater High School and is currently '4 <br /> � .' . �: <br /> a student at UW-Whitewater. Welcome Derrick. <br /> � , Continued on pg. 4 ` <br /> !1►�� . > �� ' <br /> . <br /> 86 <br />