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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes <br />07-06-11 <br />stated Public Works has the area marked for the flagpole and kiosk, but he will check with Mr. <br />Burmeister, Trail Project Manager, regarding any grading changes. Mr. Palzer, Public Works Director, <br />had recommended a solar light and a locking mechanism installed higher up on the pole to tie off the flag <br />to prevent vandalism. Mr. Faust is ready to order this equipment with the committee’s approval. Mr. <br />Faust plans to donate a flag that belonged to his grandfather who was in the Navy. <br /> <br />The committee was in favor of the solar lighting, but was concerned that it wouldn’t be bright enough. <br />There is a similar flag with solar lighting in Hunters Crossing which committee members will take a look <br />at. Discussion was had as to adding another solar light or figuring out how to get electric to the flag pole <br />at a later date if it turns out the one solar light does not provide enough lighting. <br /> <br />IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br /> <br />June 1, 2011 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Motion was made by Committee Member Amundsen, seconded by Vice-Chairperson Grahek, to <br />approve the June 1, 2011 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes as is. All in favor. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />V. COMMITTEE BUSINESS <br /> <br />Lighting of Flagpole at Cornerstone Park <br /> <br />This item was discussed under Appearances. <br /> <br />Veteran’s Memorial Plaque Suggestion <br /> <br />The following was suggested: <br /> <br />Honoring all those who have served & protected our freedom. <br /> <br />The committee likes the verbiage, but would like the input of a Veteran, perhaps Mr. Hathaway. It was <br />felt this honors all who have served, not just those who died. The committee would like Mr. Faust to <br />contact the VFW or a Veteran(s) to get their opinion on the wording of the plaque. <br /> <br />Consideration of Centerville Lion’s Special Use Permit ~ Fete des Lacs <br /> <br />The committee reviewed the Special Use Permit submitted by the Centerville Lions for Fete des Lacs and <br />only had one concern; the section completed by the police refers to the same service ‘as in past years’ <br />which is not clear to those who do not know what service was previously provided. <br /> <br />Resurfacing Eagle Park Tennis Court <br /> <br />Mr. Paul Palzer, Public Works Director, presented the committee with two bids for resurfacing the tennis <br />court at Eagle Park. Council Member King questioned whether there was a regular maintenance schedule <br />for the court and timing of expending funds for this project. Chairperson Branch explained that the <br />tennis court was installed more than ten years ago and has received little to no maintenance; however, <br />resurfacing has been discussed previously and not budgeted until 2011. It is felt that if minimal <br />maintenance is not provided at this time, the court will continue to degrade beyond the point of <br />2 of 5 <br /> <br />