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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes <br />07-06-11 <br />maintenance and a total reconstruction would be needed. <br /> <br />The committee discussed the submitted bids and felt that Court Surfaces & Repair would provide a more <br />extensive resurfacing procedure than Lee’s Sport Surfacing. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Committee Member Amundsen, seconded by Chairperson Branch to <br />recommend to City Council acceptance of the submitted bid from Court Surfaces & Repair, Inc. <br />for $3,690 to resurface the tennis court at Eagle Park. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Movies in the Park – Select Movies & Equipment <br /> <br />Committee Member Peterson felt the committee should attempt to find a sponsorship for Movies in the <br />Park to help offset costs of a higher lumens projector. With the projector used last fall it was difficult to <br />see anything on the screen until the sun actually went down and this could be improved on with a <br />different projector. Committee Member Peterson is also trying to figure out how to have the movie in the <br />hockey rink as sitting in the grass was undesirable. The movie in 2010 was projected onto the warming <br />house overhang. The cost will be reduced this year because of the purchase of the PA system, only some <br />of the equipment will need to be rented. The movie itself is the most expensive part. Committee Member <br />Peterson suggested letting Creative Kids pick out the movie(s). <br /> <br />Bulletin Board Color for Kiosk <br /> <br />Mr. Greg Burmeister, Trail Project Manager, asked that the committee look at colors for the kiosk cork <br />board and make a recommendation. Ms. Stephan had inquired as to whether the color will fade in the sun <br />and it will, so this affected the choice the committee made. Instead of going with a darker color, they <br />selected light blue which should fade less and somewhat matches the color on the City Logo. Ms. <br />Stephen will pass this information on to Mr. Burmeister. <br /> <br />Festival of the Lakes 8K Run/Walk/Skate <br /> <br />Free Comfort Yoga as Part of Fete des Lacs was added to the agenda as information to the committee. <br />Ms. Thia Casanova will be offering a free yoga session in Hidden Spring Park from 3 – 4 p.m. on <br />th <br />Saturday, July 30 and would like to be included in any advertising that is done for Fete des Lacs events. <br />Chairperson Branch stated it was too late too include this item in the adds which will go in the paper as <br />the final copy has been sent already, but there are other venues such as the web site. <br /> <br />Fire Department Waffle Breakfast Fund Raiser was added to the agenda for consideration in adding to the <br />Fete des Lacs advertising also. The Fire Department Committee responsible for the open house and <br />th <br />associated events being held on Saturday, July 30 is also meeting Wednesday, July 6th so a schedule of <br />th <br />their events will not be available until Thursday, July 7. <br /> <br />Chairperson Branch is concerned about the low numbers registered for the 8K Run, In-Line and Kids Fun <br />Run. The committee discussed various other ways of advertising and encouraging early registration. <br /> <br />VI. UPDATES <br /> <br />Irrigation System at Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park <br /> <br />3 of 5 <br /> <br />