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DRAFT MARCH 20, 1998 <br /> 7. The City of Centerville shall adopt an "odd/even" lawn watering policy. <br /> The City of Centerville shall comply with and enforce total lawn watering bans that may <br /> be implemented by the City of Lino Lakes on Lino Ickes water customers. <br /> SECTION 2. CHARGES <br /> Each of the meters installed pursuant to this Agreement shall be read at the end of each <br /> calendar quarter. The city with the greatest net flow will bill the other city, by the 10th of the <br /> month following the end of the calendar quarter, for the amount due based upon such excess <br /> flow. Payments for water usage shall be at the current respective City residential water rate at <br /> the time of billing, including any flat rate that shall be calculated by dividing the total water <br /> used by the average water consumed per household. Payments shall be made on or before the <br /> 20th day of the month following the end of the quarter, and shall be administered by current <br /> city ordinance. Centerville shall pay for pr ject costs, including construction costs, pre- <br /> engineering, and construction engineering, for the Centerville meter vault systems. Lino <br /> Lakes shall pay for the cost of the Lino Lakes control systems. <br /> SECTION 3 WATER STANDARDS AND CONSTRUCTION <br /> I . Lino Lakes and Centerville agree that they shall exercise reasonable care to <br /> prevent toxic or harmful substances from contaminating the water supply of either party. Each <br /> city's water supply shall provide clean, safe, potable water. On a yearly basis, each city shall <br /> supply the other city with copies of yearly analytical test data from the Minnesota Department <br /> of Health, Division of Environmental health. In addition, on a yearly basis, each city shall <br /> supply test results from a recognized testing lab, whose analyses were performed by EPA or <br /> other recognized standard procedures. There shall be results provided for hardness, <br /> 0:tprojt260085b85- 2303.febjoiot uage Page 3 <br />