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a preliminary report of the Staff positions prepared for the next Council meeting. <br /> The City of Centerville November 13 -24 <br /> MOTION by Councilmember Brenner to approve the receipts and disbursements for November <br /> 13 -24, including the Local Government Consultants billing statements of $1,755.00 Motion <br /> seconded by Councilmember Powers. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Senior Housing Pay. Estimate No. 1 (Final) <br /> Mr. Nyberg briefed the Council on a damaged hydrant near the senior housing complex. Mr. <br /> Nyberg reported on Friday, November 21, Mr. Paul Palzer (Public Works Director/Building <br /> Inspector) attempted to complete a hydrant flow meter test, but was unsuccessful. Mr. Nyberg <br /> added the hydrant was affected from the senior housing construction. Mr. Nyberg suggested <br /> three options the Council may consider prior to paying the senior housing pay estimate. One <br /> option is to pay the estimate and request the hydrant be repaired less than a one year warranty. <br /> Another alternative is to pay the estimate contingent upon repair of the hydrant. A last option <br /> would be to table the pay estimate until the hydrant is repaired. <br /> Mayor Wilharber questioned Mr. Nyberg about the senior housing seed and mulch cost. Mr. <br /> Nyberg replied the Eagle Pass developers will complete the senior housing seed and mulch. Mr. <br /> March wondered if the Eagle Pass developers had knowledge of the seed and mulch requirements. <br /> Mr. Nyberg replied they did. <br /> MOTION by Councilmember Brenner to approve Senior Housing Pay Estimate Number One, <br /> with 5% retainage. Motion seconded by Councilmember Powers. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> SET AGENDA <br /> Alexander House <br /> Cable Meeting <br /> Christmas Help <br /> EDC Committee Report <br /> MOTION by Councilmember Brenner to set the agenda with the noted changes. Motion <br /> seconded by Councilmember Powers. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS <br /> Sinnaae on Heritage Street & Progress Road <br /> Mr. March reported the City received a petition for a stop sign on Heritage Street & Progress <br /> Road. Mr. March agreed with CPLPD to deny the stop sign request based on the traffic study <br /> report. Ms. Gaustad reported Ms. Leiffhng requested consideration to install a "Child at Play" <br /> sign on Heritage Street if the stop sign was denied. Ms. Gaustad added Mr. Palzer estimated the <br /> cost for the sign and the labor would be approximately $125.00 per sign. <br /> 2 <br />