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contract for one year under the current contract terms. <br /> Councilmember Buckbee moved to extend the current contract with Waste Nlanaoement <br /> one year at t he current contract rues Councilmember Br enner second the motion. <br /> Motion carried unanimoulsv. <br /> Executive Session <br /> City Attorney James Hoeft, announced the Council had an executive sess.en on September 23, at <br /> 5:00 p.m. On Friday, September 18, 1998 an incident occurred 'between Receptionist Jill Lein and <br /> Deputy Clerk Danell Westbrock. There was inappropriate conduct by both employees and the <br /> Council took the following action: Deputy Clerk Danell Westbrock is to be immediztely <br /> terminated. Receptionist Jill Lein is to be suspended five (5) working days, be on nine (9) months <br /> probation and a letter of reprimand is to be placed in her personnel file. <br /> COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> EDC Committee <br /> With re_-et, Councilmember Brenner informed the Council that Cha er member N.I. Dan <br /> Tourviile resigned from the EDC Committee. <br /> Councilmember Buckbee moved to direct Staff to write a letter thanking Mr. Tourville for <br /> his service on EDC. Councilmember Brenner seconded the motion. Motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> ADMINISTRATORS REPORT <br /> Den nis Shudv An oi1_r on property adiaeent to Ce dar .Street <br /> Mr. March indicated that the City received a request from Dennis Shudy to purchase one acre of <br /> property, located at the City's very southeast corporate boundary. <br /> Councilmember Brenner commented she was not interested in eliminating any potential Public <br /> Works building sites until one is selected. Mayor Wilharber suggested the Parks and Recreation <br /> Committee get involved and that the City explore where and how the city obtained the land. <br /> Councilmember Buckbee favored the idea to retain the property for a future Public Works <br /> location or for a bargaining tool. City Attorney Jim Hoeft advised exploring how the city <br /> obtained the land and if there are any selling restrictions. The Council consensus was to explore <br /> how the city obtained the property. <br /> Park Dedication Fees <br /> NL. March gave a brief overview as he presented the park dedication from the last five <br /> deveiopments. <br /> Clearwater Meadows: Lakeland Hills: <br /> 5 <br />