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I0% of racy land value = $22,000 10% of raw land value =$38,000 <br /> 33 lots @ S900 /lot = $29,700 40 lots @ $900 /lot = $36,000 + sidewalk + trail <br /> Willow Glen: Parkview: <br /> 10% of raw land value = $36,000 10 9 '0 of raw land value = $32,000 <br /> 96 lots @ S900 /lot = 86,400 42 lots 0i $900 /lot = $37,8000 <br /> Earle Pass: <br /> 10 % of raw land value = $94,470 <br /> Combination value of land and improvements = $112,980 <br /> Mr. March added, the Park and Recreation Committee plan to explore the park fees and then <br /> review its options during the October meeting. <br /> Center Villa Grading-Plan <br /> Mr. March reported that Mr. Willie Lessard was present to request a grading permit for the <br /> property at Lake Area Utilities (6994 20th Avenue). In addition, the west two - thirds of the <br /> property will be residential and the east one -third commercial. He also noted that the Planning <br /> and Zoning Commission favored the sketch plan presented during its September meeting. <br /> Mr. March commented that ordinance "8 indicates that the grading permit can be issued after the <br /> preliminary plat is approved. The Planning and Zoning Commission plans to consider the <br /> preliminary plat during its October meeting. Moreover, RCWD is reviewing the Center Villa <br /> Development this evening and is expected to approve the grading elevations and plans. <br /> Mr. March commented that Mr. Lessard understands that if the Council grants a grading permit it <br /> will be at his own risk. Mr. Peterson said he and NU. March reviewed the proposed grading plan <br /> and it met with their preliminary approval. <br /> Councilmember Buckbee moved to aonrove the aradiva permit. contingent upon RCWD <br /> enroval and the Developer is aware this is at his own risk Niavor Wilharber seconded <br /> the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Advertisements for bids on a Public Works Tractor <br /> Mr. March commented that the city is accepting bids on a tractor for public works. Also, the <br /> Council will be made aware of the bids received and the publication indicated the City reserved <br /> the right to reject any and all bids. <br /> CONSENT AGENDA <br /> 1. Resolution 98 -23 Authori: ins the Citv to apply for an OES Grant <br /> 2. Approve Publishine the Uniform Housing Code Svnovsis <br /> 3. ADDroi application for weekly Bingo at the Chauncev Barett Garden <br /> 6 <br />