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After one (1) year ...................... Two weeks <br /> After the fourth year (4 -9) ........... _ Three weeks <br /> After nine years (9 -15) .............. Four weeks <br /> After fifteen (15) years (15- 20)..... _ Five weeks <br /> After twenty (20) years until retirement.. .Six Weeks <br /> For clarification purposes aftar six r6) months a regular or <br /> permanent part -tine employee will hays one (9) week va ation <br /> accrued. <br /> 24.3 Vacation Leave Requirements <br /> a) Vacation leave w;ll not accrue during the training period. <br /> However, if the employee becomes a regular or Permanent <br /> Part-ti une employee vacation leave will be awarded based on <br /> the schedule above. <br /> ARTICLE XXV. STANDBY PAY <br /> Individuals assigned to standby duty shall receive One Hundred Twenty - <br /> One Dollars ($121,00) per week for each complete weer, they are <br /> assigned and have served in a standby capacity. Additionally, the call <br /> back provision detailed in ARTICLE XI) of this Contract shalt apply to eAch <br /> call out incident the Employee responds to while on standby duty. <br /> ARTICLE XXV1. SAFETY SHOES AND WORK CLOTHES <br /> 26.1 The EMPLOYER agrees to reimburse Employees a sum not to <br /> exceed Ninety Dollars ($90.00) per year for the purchase of safety <br /> shoes when the Employee receives a0horization from the City to <br /> replace his /her safety shoes Or boots a ^d presents a receipt for the <br /> purchase of certified safety shoes' opts in an amount equaling Cr <br /> exceeding the requested reimbursement. Safety shoes or boots must <br /> be worn by employees at all times while on the job. <br /> 26.2 The EMPLOYER will provide up to One Hundred Fifty Collars <br /> ($150.00) per year per employee for the Water and Seaver <br /> Departments and the Mechanic for the purchase of uniform clothing as <br /> requested by the employee and apprcved by the supervisor. <br /> ARTiCLE XXVIL COMPENSATORY TIM <br /> Employees who are assigned to work by the EMPLOYER m excess of <br /> the normal work day shall, at the Employee's option,, be compensated <br /> at the rate of one and one -half (1.1/2) times the Ernpioyea's basic hourly <br /> is <br /> =b Trt , r_M -'�4-t -S? St "lrrinl - i 1 - -T -n <br />