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CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br /> CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br /> WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1997 <br /> A regular meeting and workshop of the Centerville City Council was called to order by Mayor <br /> Tom Wilharber at 5:05 p.m, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1880 Main Street, on <br /> August 27, 1997. <br /> COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Tom Wilharber <br /> Council Members: Mary Jo Helmbrecht <br /> Sauna Buckbee <br /> Theresa Brenner <br /> Laura Powers <br /> STAFF PRESENT: City Intern Troy Bonkowske <br /> Recycling Coordinator Randy Hagerty <br /> City Clerk Ry -Chel Gaustad <br /> * ���*** s� « * ■���� *��� * *� *�� * *� * * * «. *� * *�: say* ��� « *��� *� * * * «�. + *� * *� * *.� *� *. *��* <br /> REFUSE CONTRACT WORKSHOP <br /> Mayor Wilharber read aloud a letter from United Waste Systems dated August 14, 1997. The <br /> letter indicated United Waste Systems request to extend the rubbish contract in Centerville. <br /> Within the next year, United Waste plans to establish an effective customer service relationship <br /> that will be recognized by the Council and community. Mr. March commented extending the <br /> contract is logical to see if their level of customer service increases. Councilmember Buckbee <br /> commented United Waste should have addressed the customer service concerns prior to the <br /> contract expiring. <br /> Mr. Randy Hagerty (Recycling Coordinator) expressed United Waste has the same reoccurring <br /> conflicts with customer service. Mr, March asked Mr. Hagerty to discuss his experiences with <br /> United Waste. Mr. Hagerty reported the tonnage records are inaccurate, inconsistent and late. <br /> Mayor Wilharber examined tire pick up fees presented from the haulers. Mayor Wilharber called <br /> attention to United Waste tire pick up service at no cost to the residents. Mr. Hagerty explained <br /> United Waste has no tire pick up fee because they are funded by SCORE funds. Mayor Wilharber <br /> requested Mr. Hagerty clarify why SCORE funding was not addressed sooner. <br /> Jeff Glewwe (Waste Management) stated they were unaware of any subsidization. Mr. March <br /> requested Mr. Hagerty to clarify the agreement between SCORE funding and United Waste. Mr. <br /> Hagerty explained most refuse haulers receive subsidies through the Anoka County SCORE <br /> funding process. Furthermore, the County SCORE funding aids haulers with the cost to recycling. <br /> Councilmember Buckbee asked, "Is it common for haulers to receive SCORE funds ?" Mr. <br /> Hagerty replied the fund is set up to off set recycling cost. Councilmember Buckbee questioned <br />