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We the undersigned individuals would like to request that stop signs be placed at the <br /> intersection of Heritage St. and Progress Rd. in Centerville. The reason we feel this is <br /> necessary and important is due to the large volume of traffic using Heritage St. and <br /> Progress Rd. as a short cut between Centerville Rd. and Main Street. Not only does <br /> this increase the amount of traffic, they are often driving too fast for this resdential area. <br /> Since the installation of the stop sign at the intersection of Sorel St. and Progress Rd., <br /> Heritage St. and Progress Rd. is being used as the alternate short cut, therefore <br /> increasing traffic once again. An additional and more important reason for installing a <br /> stop sign are the small children residing in this area. There are 17 children on <br /> Progress Rd. and Heritage St. all under the age of 10 and several more over that age. <br /> We would also like to thank you for your time and consideration with this request. <br /> , <br />