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Mr. Dave Nyberg 2- May 13, 1997 <br /> l D ' NURP requirements are often included with rate control requirements as described above. <br /> Complete design information for NURP ponds can be obtained from the RCWD District <br /> pe+diX Engineer. An addition to the city plan requiring water quality treatment equivalent to NURP <br /> guidelines for stormwater discharges for any new development will be required. <br /> ��im SS Easements. Similar to the requirements for floodplain management, the RCWD requires <br /> C - 0) protective easements be provided for all stormwater management provisions associated with <br /> development. A statement to this effect will need to be added to the plan. <br /> Maintenance. The city should identify in the plan a maintenance program for stormwater <br /> ponds with minimum inspection and cleaning frequency specified. <br /> WETLAND MANAGEMENT <br /> SGt� ia� s� Wetland Conservation Act. The plan contains no reference to the Minnesota Wetland <br /> (Isl� Conservation Act (WCA). The RCWD currently serves as the Local Government Unit <br /> (LGU) for administering the WCA within the city limits of Centerville and anticipates <br /> continuing in that role in the future. This should be acknowledged in the city's plan. <br /> .Sed7en 5.6 RCWD Wetland Policy. The watershed district also has its own wetland management <br /> plan which encompasses a broader range of wetland alteration activities which need to be <br /> included in the city's plan. Detailed information outlining the RCWD wetland policy can be <br /> found in section 5 of the RCWD management plan and can be obtained at the District office <br /> or the office of the district engineer These policies need to be incorporated into the plan. <br /> _,e,4(m 5.6 Easements. Similar to the requirements for floodplain management, the RCWD requires <br /> �1,,e T9 protective easements be provided over all wetlands within the property limits of new <br /> development. A statement to this effect will need to be added to the plan. <br /> �ee�ion5 2•h MDNR/USCOE. While the plan goes into sufficient detail regarding the presence of <br /> 4nZ .S. (e MDNR protected waters and wetlands and the importance of the Ordinary High Water <br /> (OHW) level, there should be a table included in the plan which identifies the elevation of the <br /> OHW for each basin (if available). Also, an inclusion should be made identifying the contact <br /> person within the MDNR to whom responsibility for water/wetland management falls. <br /> Similar references should be provided for the USCOE. <br /> SHORELAND MANAGEMENT <br /> ,die„ S -8' The model ordinance included in the plan appendix is sufficient for RCWD purposes. <br /> However, we would suggest that Clearwater Creek be included as a watercourse subject to 7 <br /> the provisions of the shoreland ordinance. Additionally, a date for adoption of the ordinance <br /> Ivn or schedule of revisions and implementation should be included to an administrative <br /> improvements plan. <br /> GENERAL COMMENTS <br /> 52e�lan s.7 Permitting. The city's plan states that the "RCWD shall continue to require permits for <br /> construction projects occurring in Centerville." However, there is no mention of wetland <br /> alteration or other District - regulated activities not limited to construction. The city needs to <br /> clearly specify whether the District is to continue to administer all water resources pemlitting <br /> responsibilities. <br />