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"Special Event with Contract" Check list: <br /> 1. Submit a complete Events Permit application form to the City along with: <br /> a. A $50 non - refundable application fee. <br /> b. Site plan — must provide a detailed site layout of the event. <br /> c. A notification flyer —see item #4 for more information. <br /> d. The estimated cost of producing and mailing a neighborhood meeting notice (as <br /> estimated by City staff). <br /> 2. Application Deadline: Submit application at least 60 days before the event. <br /> 3. City staff will review the Event Permit application for completeness. <br /> 4. City staff will review the notification flyer submitted by the organizer with the application <br /> materials. Items to include on the flyer are: name of event, location of venue, date of event, <br /> time of event, list any closure of streets (including times) and contact information for questions. <br /> 5. When flyer has been approved by City staff, the event organizer distributes the flyer to all <br /> households and businesses immediately adjacent to the event venue. This flyer must be <br /> distributed at least seven days before the event. <br /> 6. Two to four weeks afterthe completed application is submitted to the city, but no later than <br /> three weeks prior to the event, the City will hold a neighborhood meeting for public comment. <br /> The neighborhood meeting must be held prior to consideration of the permit request by any of <br /> the applicable Commissions or the City Council. <br /> 7. Notices for the neighborhood meeting will be prepared and mailed by the City to immediately <br /> adjacent property owners of the venue. (Note: Any permit request for an event that was held <br /> in 2010 that is not being changed substantially in 2011 or subsequent years is considered <br /> "grandfathered ". A "grandfathered" contract event is not required to have a neighborhood <br /> meeting.) <br /> S. City staff will route the Event Permit application to the Parking Commission for review and <br /> comments if ten or more public parking spaces are requested and to the Park Commission for <br /> review and comments if Lowell Park is to be used in whole or in part by the event. <br /> 9. A $500 park impact fee may be required by the Park Commission if they find that the event has <br /> the likelihood of impacting a park beyond "normal wear and tear". <br /> 10. City staff will meet with the event organizer to draft a contract for event services. <br /> 11. The City Council will consider comments from City staff, the applicable Commissions, the <br /> recorded public testimony from the neighborhood meeting and take action on the requested <br /> event permit and draft contract. <br /> 12. City staff will prepare the Event Permit and signed contract for issuance. <br /> 13. Any additional fees will be due 1 week prior to event. <br /> 14. Event organizer is notified by City staff when the Event Permit is ready to be picked up. If <br /> requested by the organizer, the permit could be mailed. <br /> 15. A post -event questionnaire will be offered to residents and local businesses on the city's <br /> website, The comments will be tabulated and given to the event organizer within 30 days of the <br /> event and the results will be included in the review of the subsequent year's permit request <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br />