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<br />From:THE MONTGOMERY GROUP <br /> <br />651 762 5604 <br /> <br />11/06/2003 10:57 #280 P.OO2 <br /> <br />~nte' g ~/ /b 3 <br />, I , , <br />PuSe 1 of pages ~ ' <br />'RECEIVED OF ~~ l ~/~. t..LC- <br />. !ho...or el'J:" ~J~. --- _0.....(5 /p~a ~ <br /> <br />b)' cheek as 1il1l111ll8l mOl''')' to bll daposltcd UPOIl8.Cl:eptanco ofPur;hase Apmellt by all pmlq, on or before the next business day <br />aIb:r nCCl!pllLltcc, In f1lrllst accowtt of' Llstlna Broker or III Seller's account If no Broker Is Involved, but to be returned to SU)'er If' <br />Purchasll Agreontcl1t' Ilot a y Selll!1'. !Ri~lIll1'I1est mon". pllt lint r tlto putl:hue o!the property located 111:: <br />Ctt:<eJ. ~ a.~.r <br /> <br />Count)' of <br /> <br />VACANT LAND PURCBASEAGREEMZNT <br /> <br />f <br /> <br />Cllyof <br />LqnIly desc:rlbed 11&: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Statal of <br /> <br />InolUdlng the follo\\'II18,poraonal propcrt)', rc any ~ by Seller Ind I~d on uld property: allS. blllba, p/anu, shNbs and trees; lII1d <br />11180 tin: following personlll property: /l. ' <br />. <br /> <br />all of which prol)8l'tv Seller hu this dil\' acoed to seU to Cor the lUlU of L- <br /> <br />. <br />l Dollirs. which RuVPl' <br /> <br />--, <br /> <br />llil'ees to p8)' inlhl1 tOllowi mil cr: eamest mon8)1 ofS. aod $-1 <br />cub an or before '0 tho c1a~ oic/osins and thCl balBllCll on __ <br />b)' Oltam:1ns In lUlIlordance wIth the atteoh;d finance addendulll, <br />AssumDtlon COD~ct Ibt Deed Conventional Purohau MontlY MortDA.Jn r.lIhtlr <br />(Cltele One) <br />SPECIAL CON'rI'NBOENCIBS: This Purchase AFeelnem la IUb lact to the following ccntlngcnc:IQ ancllfthc following contlDgencles <br />checked below CDnnot be satisfied or waived In ~vritln8 by . this PUrobs&e Agreanleln 8~1 bec:ome <br />I\ull and void lInd aU esu'lt'=8tmoney shall be ret't11\ded to the BUYCi. Buyer an4 Seiler lil'l8 to slllll\=ncllllatlol1 Oftltc Purchase Agrecm~nt <br /> <br />~sele:c:tl1 'weopllOlta) ~ <br /> <br />BUY&: ~ altall provide 8 =rtlfiCllte ofsurv8)' of the praplll'ty, II UYE axpcnse, not later than <br />_ It one) ~ Ie one) <br />I ~ 120 "'''$ <br /> <br />obtulnil,s ipproYlll of city/township otpl'Opoll8d bulldlnl plans end specJfloatlol1i <br /> <br /> <br />lXpeDa8. <br /> <br />)(!b) <br />Xie, <br />~) <br /> <br />-3. J.j) ~~lll1ullif'iit bv T 1:.1\ I ;llI:,~I' expCll158, plIl"lIhal\:lI,I..,;h..'l'ltiek ..0 _~tc a'l}lM _ <br />~rCICJ one) .' <br /> <br />)(,(0 OblRh\lnS n E I'Si1.LER eXp~nilCt Boll teats whlc:h Indicate thlllho I'roplllrt)' may be Improved without <br />me one) <br /> <br />cxtraCll'dll18\')' building inetl10ds or !losts. <br /> <br />. )((11) obtaining apPl'O\lG1 oCbulldlng plans and/or lJIeclflcatlons lft m:c:ardanoe with 6ft)' NCltlrded subdl...lslon covenants <br /> <br />lUld approval of tbe iU'Chlteot\lw co,l1WoI Clomm.htcc <br /> <br />'~I (It) OTHER: <br /> <br />SelieI'" s ~pen_ fer these OOlttlnpnc:tcs (If IJIY) sballllOt ma:eed S .A <br /> <br />Seller 11110111 permission of access to ch@ propcrt)' for testing and lUl"YCl)'iDI purposes, <br /> <br />. PI..EA~E NOTIS: BUY~'I1l8)' Incur additional charges Improving the property Inoludlng but not Ihnltinl to: Hookup end/or ac~ . <br />c1tOI'Scs. COII$ lOr seWcf B~ S\ubblns iIlCllQ, wator G;W, park dodloltlvlt, road access. utllJt}' connm/on ~d CQI111ectlng fees, curb <br /> <br />CUiS mld tree plantlnE cbDl'p8, <br /> <br />To lhe best onlle Seller's knowladse tbm arc no hazardous wutea, abandoned wells or utIdeqp-Gund storage tanks, except 8S herein noted. <br /> <br />SPECIAL WARRANTIES: Seller WlrlBl1ts that the pro pert)' delClibw In tbls Purchue Agreement consUIutes of <br />-I- - ACRES 6Q\;AR:B l'~al\d Is oUrrentJr zoned c::e, A-1 A..A....r~ .A-1 <br /> <br />Seller WlIlTflnls thalthe pl'Opert)' IS NOT In thll dealanlUed 100 VCIIr FInne! nlan _a <br />