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<br />Seller Wall'l'llll18 that the propel1)' DOBS I DOES NOT fIlcelvo pro!brential tal( trcahrumt (I,e., Green Ames, cto.) <br />Attached life olhlr addendn which BRI made a IlBl't cf thl$ PUrchaso ~ment (enter pajt or paps on \lne 2). <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />------... <br />DEED MARKET ABLB TITLE: Upon pe'd'onnan.:e b)' Bu)'et, Seller shall deUver a Warranty DeecI <br />- . <br />Joined in by spouse, If any, Q0l1veylD8 Inarket~bl; title, fllOJeot to: lA) Bullcllnllllld "I\lng laws, Otdlnlnl:a, &tale and federal rcaulllllol1S; <br />(9) Rcstrh:lIons I'I!lntulg to un or lnlProvClnc:nl oftbe propert)' withDut ef'ft!ctIve forf'elwre ~v1llon5t'lC) Aeservatiol18 OfallY 1'l1IIlc:ral rights by <br />Um,SllIte of Mlnnesa1nj (0) Utility lU1d drilinll~e ~aacmen18 which do not Interim WIUl exlstllla lmprovcmel1Ui (E) RI8hts DC leiUIntS as follows <br />(wll;sll specl ned, not llUbJect co tOnRnl:lu): <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />I, <br />