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<br />From:THE MONTGOMERY GROUP <br /> <br />651 7ff2 5604 <br /> <br />11/0612003 10:59 #280 P.OO4 <br /> <br />):1. Dale <br />16. PRIO 3 0' <br /> <br />B' hI !e?> <br />I <br />papa <br /> <br />VACANT LAND PURCHASE AGREEMENT <br /> <br />)7, DBF AUt.. T: If Buyer defbuIts In InY of the agreemetlti herein. Seller may tel'Dllnate this P\lrobaso Apament, and pa)1lllllJu made bcrcunder <br />18. may be retained by Soller D8 IIqulcleted damagea. IftlUs PUrdJEISIl Aareement Is Dot SO tel'lU1JSatecI, Bu)'er or Seller may seek aotuBl damages <br />19. for breucb or litis Agn!ement ofspecltlc perfol'l1WlCCl of this Agreement; and. III to spcglflc porformanc:CI, Buch action must be commenced <br />10. within sL't (6) montbtlaftcr such riabt ofllCtlOIl tll'1sa. <br /> <br />II. BuyCr and Seller 881'= to share ovcn1y In Iny closlns fee clwged by tho title COItIpaI1)'. <br /> <br />12. TIM E OF ESSENCE: rune 15 of the essence In th.Is Pul~hue Ai1'eemont. <br /> <br />: 3, ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This PurohllSC Aammeur, an)' attached exhibits BI1d Iny addenda or llIiIendments sJgned by the partl", 5h.a.ll oonstitute <br />,4. the AgrCllment betwCCJ1 Buyer aDO Stller and 8U~0I'll~ any other written or oral 81fCOments batweerJ Seller and Buyer. ThIs Pt.ard1ElSll <br />,S. Agreel"ent un be nlodlfled I;1l1ly In ,wltlng stgned by Seller and Buyer. <br /> <br />.6. POSSESSlON: seUor shELlI deliver possession of the property lIot later than Irrnnedlatel)' Btler oJoslag. AlIlntBl'Olt. homeownsr uSQQlatioll dUllS, <br />.7. ren\s, fb;~ ell. liquid. pc:troleum au and all charses fbr city \vater, c:1ty sewer, electriolty, and natural gas alml1 be prormd.bctw~cn tIu parttes II of <br />.8. the Closing dale. Seller ugreea to remove ALL DEBlllS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY NOT INCLUDED HERElN &om the propcrt)' by <br />.9. possessloa dale, <br /> <br />!Olt' IN THIS TR^NSAC'1'IO~. <br />. TRANS <br />12. <br /> <br />!3:ITHIS ISA LBOALL BINDINO CONTRACT. BEFORE SlONING,CONSl.lLr ALAWYBR. . <br />!4. Mb1nesota law permits IIcslJS8d real estate brokers al1d BlIlI8entl to prOJRn Pun:hese A,iroemllrta. No reccmm~d8tlDIlI 01' representation Is <br />!~. D111de by tither the listing brokel' or .olllna brolcer as to the 1cpI sutnoleno)', the1esal effect. or the tax ccnsequenoes ofthla ccn1nlct. Thezo rw' . <br />16. qllCltlons for )'our IllW)'8f. <br /> <br /> <br />HE OR SHE IS REPl\ESEN'rI'NO THE SELLER. tNnUS <br />, <br /> <br />!7.. I. the owner oftlUll'ropetty, accept this qrecll1Cl1t. <br />18. J Jutve reviewed all pagos of this Purchaso Agreoment. <br />19. <br /> <br /> <br />(Buyor's Signature) <br /> <br />(Dam) <br /> <br />(Buyer's Printed Name) <br /> <br />(tlate J <br /> <br />SELUNG AOENT: <br /> <br />THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN BUYER AND SELLERS <br />IF YOU DESlltE LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE, CONSULT AN APPROPlUA TE PROFESSIONAL. <br />