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<br />- From:THE MONTGOMERY GROUP <br /> <br />651 7fI2. 5604 <br /> <br />11/0612003 10:58 #280 P.OO3 <br /> <br />I r ',.. <br /> <br />~Bte ? A>I /b 3 <br />. . I <br />Page 2 or pases <br /> <br />V ACAN'r LAND PURCHASE AGREEMENT <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />- ---- --- -- --- - - , -- -- ----- - - ----- - <br />TITLE" EXAMINATION: &lIer shalL withIn a reasonable tllne a1ler acceptBll.oe ofthJs agreement, fbmJsh iI1l abstract oftltl8, ll1' a <br />rep1stered property abstm~ certified to date to Inolude propor sC8l'llhu coverlng bankruptcies, state and federalj1.1dainOl1ts and liens, <br />B11d levied tlI1d pendma Iip8CIaI flSStssments. Buyer shall be allowed 10 business days after rccalpt of aba1raot for oxamfnatlon of title BI1d <br />makln. an)' C)\)jOOtlOI15 which shall. be made in wrItlna or dCOJnm waived. Ifan)' objection Is so made, Seller shall have 10 buslncn days <br />I, . from re;olpt of BU)'IlI"'s wrlttln title objectloD to nodly Buyer ofSeIl.r'slntBlltlon to make title maricotablc within 120 days from Seller's <br />receIpt ofsual1 written objection, Ihotlgllls atvcn. plI)'meltts whereunder tequll'lJd 1ha11 be postponlld pelldfft8 ocuro;tlon of tic Ie. but <br />upon OOlmtlon ottille Bnd wltlilillO cia)" after written notloe to Buyer, tho partlCllhall porfonn this Purchase Agreement according to <br />Its terms. Ifno such notice Is I1Ivc:n or If nolia II given but tftlllls not correc=l within the tl1no provlded for, this Purchilje Agreement <br />. shalf be IIUU and void, lU option ofBuyerj Hither party lhall be liable ilr dllDla8C8 whcRunder to the oihar and earnest Inanely shall'be. <br />nlfunded to Buyer; Buyer Md Sollor RII'" 111 :dill cancellation of Pure hue Agreement. Buyer qrees to BCl:Ilpt a ~mmltmont for BI1 <br />o\~ner's IIl1e policy In the: full amount oithe purohaso price In Ueu ohn abItraot oftltllllfthe p1O))el1)' Is subJect to a master abstract Dr <br />.Ifno abBtmct oftllle Is In SoUer's po&&esslOD or CODtrtJl. U'Buycr Is to reeelvo sucb commitment, the t1tleexemlnatlon period shall <br />tommcnce: upon Buyer's racelpt of a current title InalU8l1ce commJtttJc:nt. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />REAl. ES1'ATB TAXES shill be paid lIS follows: . <br />BU>'et shall pa,', ORATED F . ALL I NONE real 8&1Bte taxes due and payable In the year 20 ~ ~Jt. <l'l <br />Sellorsbllll p1I)', ORATED FROM DAY O.FCLOSING ALl../NONE real utate taxes dUll IJJldpayable in the)'w 20 e)g IU( t;>Y, <br />I" the event tbe oIoslns date Is ohangcd, the_~ -= bIKes paid shall If rlll'Bted, be ustc:d to the new clostnS date. Seller warranta , <br />,!\xcs du,~yabIO In the )'tIlll' 2o.!J-1 be m.l-HOMESTEAD IIDltlcadon. Seller 8It=I to pay at oloslnl <br />$ - to\v.rds the nan-homestead p on real estate taxes. l3Uyer asrees ta pa)/ any remaJllIl'lz <br />baJ!II1a of lllXell when t1lU)' become due ind payable. Neltller Seller nor 'AgDnt(s, make aft)' lepnl5antaUon conllClttinS tbClIlll'lOUDt of <br />su~ real estahllBxes, <br /> <br />SPECIAL ASSE~5MBNTS mall be paid 81 follows: <br /> <br />, 8Wliilt..JlJolg,.SiU.-~W:ald..1 II%"J!V\ J !. .ll~ j::Jr ills BA"flB BY CU;~ER SHALl. PAy ON ~E OF)CI..OS1'N~li <br />Installments of lIpeolalwassments certified for payment W11h the real estate taxos duo and payable In J110 )'air of olaalng. <br /> <br />.JM:j~1 ~L Al!!stfME ~LSR !~ on the elate of aloslng all Dther speo1al asscsslDllJ1ts levied as Ofthl/l data of closing; <br /> <br />D.IIV~". SlIlI\J:..L A':!ISl::Jlvlc<lSiillll'5HALL PROVIDB FOR PA Y~~oI BQOIIlTlontJ as oftbc dlltl: of closing for Improvcmants . <br />timt lmw been (>>'cIe1'ed by the City CoullCII or other Il8BUsing authorities. ~SeUer's prov!slOnfbr payment sl1all be by payment Into escrow of <br />two (2) tlmos the estimated llInount of the assessmOlltB, Dr 1888 as roql.llre~ by BlI)'cr'slender.) <br /> <br />Jlr\n' r:1\bli~rP;dtlY ~~n the clute of closlnlllI1)' ~eferrcd real estate liXes (Lo. OI'Ol/lD AIlI'lllt etc.) or speoial t1S&mmcnts <br />payment ofwh.lcb 18 requlreclu a ruult of the olemns oftblsliale. BU)Ier shall pay roaI atate tuxes dIe and payable In the')'1lIiIl" tallow/ns' . ' <br /><lloslng and 'herea1'lCI' Dnd any unpaid speOtalesscssmcnts p1!.)'able~t\e1'e\vith and tbCl'llili'cer, the pa~/mont ofwhlab Is not oll1erwlse proYldGd, _ ' <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />. - <br />ACCEP1'ANCB: Bu)'et' undorstands and agrees that thIs Purcbast Aarmncnt ill subjact to ~QO ol'Sollcr In writing. Agents Ire not lIabla or <br />11lIIpDlla1ble TOI' an)' QovenBl1ts. obligations Ot \VBl'Wltlee macle In this Purc:hue Asreement, exoept tho apntslri liable to- return or account for th~ <br />Oamesll'4011a)'. Thll delivery of IU pipers and moli1os shall bc lIUld8 at II mutually GCeptabialocatlon. <br /> <br />INSPECTION: Buyer haa the r1pt to InSJ)lot the property prior to olosing, <br /> <br />OENBRAL WARRAN'l1ES: SELLER WARRANTS THAT THE BUILDINOS.lF ANY, ARE ENTIRBLY WITHIN 'l'!-t6 BOUNDARY <br />LINES OF THE PROPERTY. SELLER WARRANTS THAT THERE IS A RIOHI' OP ACCESS TO THE P1tOPE.RTY FROM A PUBUC <br />RIOHT OP WAY. THESE WARRANTIES SHALL SURVIVE TI-lB DELIVBRY OF THE DBED OR CONTRACT FOR DEED. <br /> <br />I, <br /> <br />I. <br /> <br />I, <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br />I' SELLER W AllRANTS THAT PRIOR TO THE CLOSING DATE, PAYMENT IN FULL W.lLL HAVE BEEN MADE FOR ALL LABOR, <br />I, MATERIALS, MACl-1INERY, FIXTURES OR TOOLS FURNISHED WITHIN '!'HI;: 120 DAYS IMMEDlATELY P1W:EOINO THE <br />I. 'CLOSINO DATB IN CONNEC1'JON WITH CONSTRUCTION, AL1"ERAllON OR REPAIR OF ANY STP.UClURB OR IMPR.OVEMENT <br />i, TO THE PROPERTY, <br /> <br />/. SELLER WARRANTS THAT SELLER HAS NOT RECEIVED A NOTJCE FROM ANY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORI'1l' AS TO <br />I.' , VIOLATION OF ANY l.A W, OR.DINANCE OR REGULATION, IF THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO 1lR!;1'RICTtW rOT\IVm\JT.4 'I1JTIl <br />