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<br />Motion was made by Vice-Chairpenon Backman, seconded by Committee Member ScheUer to <br />reco.mmend to council funds be expended for a city booth at Fete des Lacs on August 2, 2003 <br />from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. not to exceed 5100.00. AU in Favor: Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />The Economic Development Committee discussed their budget needs for 2004. The committee would <br />like to continue with the same projects as the prior year which would include: SNO BIZ, Centerville <br />Business Directory, Business Appreciation Dinner, New Resident Packet and adding a Guest Speaker <br />Meeting in the fall. In looking at the amount expended in 2003 and the costs of the events, the <br />committee decided to request the same amount as they were budgeted in 2003, which was $6,000. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Committee Member Rehbine, seconded by Vice-Chairpenon Backman to <br />request from City Council the amount of 56,000 for the Economic Development Committee's <br />2004 Budget. AD in Favor: Motion carried unanimously. <br />