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CITY OF CENTERVILLE - 2013 STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT • <br /> Water Main Improvements <br /> Extending water main to areas without municipal water service has been a stated goal of <br /> the city for many years. With this in mind, common sense dictates that when the street <br /> is disturbed for resurfacing or more extensive improvements, the opportunity to install <br /> water main should not be overlooked. <br /> WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS <br /> Areas to the north of Main Street, in this project area, already have city water service, <br /> the Center Street area does not. The proposed improvements detailed in this report <br /> include the installation of an 8 -inch water main on Center Street, from Dupre Road to <br /> 20th Avenue (CSAH 54). A 6 -inch water main would be extended up each cul -de -sac. <br /> WATER SERVICE STUB INSTALLATION <br /> Each home along the new mains will have a service line extended to the right -of -way, <br /> terminated with a curb stop. This will be installed regardless of whether or not the <br /> homeowner chooses to hook to city water with the project. <br /> WATER SERVICE CONNECTION TO HOME <br /> It is recommended that homeowners have the option to hook to the City's water system <br /> in conjunction with the proposed street improvements. Providing this option would be <br /> prudent as this would confine the mess of construction to one year and would ease <br /> enforcement of the hook up policy in 2017. <br /> The City's residents would have two options regarding water services. Option one would <br /> be to have the City's contractor install the water service from the curb stop (property line) <br /> into their home or option two would be to hire their own contractor to do the same thing. <br /> If the resident chose option one, the City would allow the cost of the connection to be <br /> financed along with the assessment and the service would be directionally drilled into the <br /> homeowner's basement. This option would minimize restoration costs, minimize <br /> construction costs by bidding all at once and allow the homeowner to have a "turn -key" <br /> project. If the resident chooses this option, a right -of -entry waiver must be signed <br /> allowing the contractor access to the resident's property. Additionally, a waiver of <br /> assessment appeal would have to be signed in order for the City to avoid further issues <br /> regarding the matter. <br /> If the resident were to choose option two, the City would just require that they meet the <br /> 2017 connection deadline. <br /> The homes in this area are serviced by individual wells. As part of the 2009 Street and <br /> Utility Project, those homeowners electing to have the water service installed into their <br /> home as part of project were also given the option to have the contractor seal their well <br /> at the same time. If the homeowner would like to keep the well operational, it may only <br /> be used for irrigation or an outdoor hose -bib connection. <br /> • <br /> City of Centerville Project No: 193801520 <br /> 2013 Street and Utility Improvement Project y Page 13 <br /> 44 <br />