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<br />MAY-B;2-2B03 12: 33 <br /> <br />LEAGUE OF MN CITIes <br /> <br />P.23/25 <br /> <br />v <br /> <br />U See MUmesota t)epararneat of Health, General CleaJlU9 Guide1iDes for Clandestine Drug Labs (May 2002) <br />{Hereafter MDB Clemup Guidelines), <br />3.. MDH aoSPODlO to J)ru.1 Labs. 3. <br />S~ MDH Health" Safety. 1. <br />38Id. 6-7. See also Bay West Stud)" tor a discussion of whj~b .ung and cleaning materials and procedures work <br />best ill reduem. medlamphe'ClrrllDe concentrations on diffOl'ODl building nrfaces. <br />~7 :MDH Clanup Guidelinesl 1..2. <br />slId, at 2, <br />3' Id. at 4. <br />40 3. <br />41 Id. at 4-5. <br />42 IcL at S. <br />43 Id. <br />44 MOB Health & Safety, 6-7. <br />45 MOH Cleanup GuideliDcs. 6. <br />46 MDB Health" Safety. 6-7. See also MOH Cleanup OuidoliDes. 8 oiting MiDn. Stat. f88.I11 (1996) <br />47 MDH Health &: Safety, 6-7. <br />..ald. Por mom inlormatiotl. On idtmtif)riDs and dea1fns with soil and groUlld water ccmtlr4i21ati011, lee Mizmesota <br />Pollution Control Aseacy publication: SnviroJlSDeataJ Problems Asscciated with ClaDOesdne Dna, Operations, <br />Sept. 2000. <br />49 MDB Cleanup Guidelines. 4 ("Abs01'bent UlaterilJs can vapors that are dispersed durina the cooking <br />pr~ess, or can collect dust and powder fi'om che4'dcala used m dlug mll1Ufaoture. NOD-lab iteme CaD also be <br />contlminated. by lab spiUs, supplies and equipment ProfasioDBljudgment, and information from the preliminary <br />88Seisment mud be applied to decieiODS reprdiDg the disposition of these ,oodI II thoy may bo coDSidcred <br />hazardous Walle." See also MOB I.ecommeudatious and Discussioll of Bay West Metham.phetamine <br />DcooDtaminatiOD Study (Febnutty 2002) 7-8 (Even in areas of"low contamination. "MDH recommends removins <br />and replacfDs all carpsd.os. , . ,000er textile prodbet8, includiq cby clean-omy draperies, and upholetered <br />should be discarded. Washable textiles such as clcthins and bedding can be was.bBd and rinsed twice but would <br />most pNdendy be disoarded.") <br />50 MDH Health & Safety, 7. <br />, I These guidelinco are mere tUlly described in the MDH Cle&Jmp Guide1ine3. <br />S2 Bay West Study, 2 (.'CuITel1t1y, the cleaup guideline value for metbamphetamine is I microgram per 8Cluare foot <br />of surface area.") See also MOH Cleanup GuideliDes 7. <br />n :h4DH Health" Safety, 7. <br />54 MOB Response to Dm, Labs. S. <br />~~ lei. <br />56 lb.e EnvironmeDbl1 Prg~tioll Agency has a Local Governments Reimbursement (LGR) proaram thaI may <br />reimbutSC up to $25,000 pet meth lab fOr cleanup costs mCUJred cl\1riq temporary emergency response measures. <br />For more iDforma'tion. contact the EP A'I LOR. helpline at (800) 431-9209. or submit 8D e-maiJ requ.e&t to <br />, or access the LOR. website at www.epL,oWauperlimdlprolflUlsJerI1gr. See a1ao 63 FR 8284 <br />~feb. 18. 1998) <br />7 21 use 8S3(g} (2001). <br />58 See 21 use 853(&) (2001). <br />$I See MUm. 51st. 11463.15 thrO\1gh 463.261. <br />60 If the city does Dot have its own city board ofhealtb.. the county board ofbealth has jurisdiction in the city (See <br />MimI. Stat f 14SA.04. SubeS. 1 (1987). U18UCh cases, it is arpablo that the county board of bealth has an cbliption <br />10 take actkm to abate the nuisance. See MimL Stat. f 14SA.04, Subcl. 8(&)-( d) (1987) which provides, in part that <br />(a) If. threat to tbo public hoalth such as a public health nuiRnce . . . is found OD any property. <br />tha board of health Qf its agent shall order the owner or occupat of the property to remove or <br />abate the threat within a time specified in the notice but not lOftger than tell days. . . <br /> <br />Cd) If tile oWller. occupant., or 81ent f'a.ib or qeglects to comply. . . then the bo8rd of health or its <br />"lent shaU remove or abate the nuisflOOe . . .. <br />(emphasis added). <br /> <br />· 20. <br />