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<br />MAY-a2-2e03 12:34 <br /> <br />LEAGUE OF MN CITIES <br /> <br />P.24,125 <br /> <br />,. ..l <br /> <br />Pursuant co f 14S.A..04~ Subd. J 0 (19S7): 11IIt is a miedcmOlllOf for a member Or lJalt of' a board ofheaJth to refuse <br />or neglect to perform .. duty impoaed 011 a board of health by statute or ordinance." The qQe&tiOD then becomes <br />whecher the oontaminated site fita tho dofinition of a "public health nuisance. M See MUm. StaL t 14'A.02. Subd. 7 <br />~1997). <br />J Mm. Stat 0009.74 (1986) provides, in Part. that: <br />Whoever by 111 act Ot failure to pedonu a legal duty iDtelUionaDy does iDy of the following is <br />guilty ofmaintailliD, a publie Dlliamce, which is I misdeme&l1Ot: <br />(1) l\&intaiJat or permits a condition whicb WII"eISODablyaDDO)'S. injures or endangers the <br />s&tety t heal~ morals,. comfort, or repose of any oousidfll8ble DUmber of members of the <br />public . . . <br />See also MUm. Stat. 9609.745 (1986)(UWhoever having control of real property permits it to be used to maintain a <br />public nuiSlllce or leu cbe same kDawiDS it will be 10 usee! is pBey of a misdlmnDQr. ") See also MUm. StaL <br />1617.81 (1997)(roprdiD. injunctions or abatcmCDt orders regardmg mDsances.) <br />62 MUUl. Stat. 1609.5311. Subel 2 (1993). <br />63 For mOle iDf'onnation OD cleanup requb'emenrs for state-licensee! estabJJsbmeas. see Mbmesota Department of <br />Realm Pact Sheet: Cl8n4estiD~ DIU. Labs AssossmOAt tor Food, Beverage _ Lodliaa EstabllshmCDts. <br />~ See MinD. Stat. "61.01 (1927) . <br />., SeanoD 104.2.3 aftbe J997 Uniform Buildq CodtprDvides, in part, that: "... the building official may eDter <br />the buildiq or premisas at reasouable times to fDspect or to perfOIm the d\lties imposed by tlds code." <br />.. Sc:otion 104.2.9 Ofb 1991 UDifolDl Building Code provides, In part, tbaI: "...Ihe bw1diDS official may requ.fre <br />tealS as proof of complimJoe to be made at DO expense to this juritdiction . . . Iftbere arc DO reoopized and accepted <br />test methods for !be proposed alEerDate, the buildiDS offtcialahaU detemDue teat proceclures." . <br />f7 Section 102 of the 1997 UDiform B.ai1ding Code provides ill pan that: ,cAD buildmS9 or suuctures regulatec! by <br />tJUs code that are · · · a~_ daasero\1.8 CO hllall1l1ife Ire, for the: pmpo8e of tbi8 eectioD, lDlsafe." MiDnesota <br />Rule l30S.0 102 amoDded part of1hc Section 102 of the UIlitorm BuiJdiDa Code tc"proYlde in pare _ .tAll \lJl8afe <br />b1.lUclin,st atructuna or appmdages are public atlisances 8ILd must be abated by repair. rohabitilation, demolition or <br />removal in accordance wilb the procedure. ill MiDIlesota Stam_ 11463.15 &0 463.26." A vioJatioD of~e Uniform <br />Buildin. Code is a misdemea:Dor. See Mhut. Rule 1305.0103 and MiDa. Stat 1161.69 (1984). <br />" 1997 UDiform BuUdlns Code. Section 103 provides, bI par&, that: "Ie shall be UDl&wfaI for lilY persOD . . . to . . , <br />uso. occupy or maiataia ID)' buildinl or StnlG1Ure or cause or permit the same to be dODe fD violatiol2 ofrms code." <br />See also SecdOD 104.2.S whieb providcs, in part, that: MWhcmever any building Or structure. . , ~lUlated by this <br />code is bBiDS used coDtraly 10 Ibe ptO\llsioGS of this code, tile buil4m& official may order such use discODtinueclll1d <br />the stnlcmre, or portiou thereo~ vacat04. . .tt <br />" J 9911Jlliform HouslDs Cocle SectiOD. 201.2. <br />70 1997 UDif'oJID HrJU8iBg Code sectiol140 1 defiDes a nuisance, in part, u: "1. Any pubHc nuisaDce known at <br />commOD law or in equi&y , . [or] . . .3. Whatever is ..erous to hll1'DiD life or is detrimental to <br />health. u detmmiDed by the health o1riCet. ,. <br />71 1997 Uniform Bouma Code sectien 1001.4 provides that: ''Bui1dinp or portiODS thereof ill which there exists <br />any alliaaDce as defiued in this =de are deemed subst8Ddard buildiDgs." <br />12 1997 UmfODD Bouq Code secticD 1101.1 Provides. in Part. that: uWhen the building oftlcfal has . . . <br />dctczmmec1 that sucb building is a substandard buildiDg, the buildIDg ofllcial shaU commence pmceedingrs to cause <br />the repair. rehabilitation. Vl'Btion or demolldol\ of the buildbl8... <br />73 See 1997 'UnifolDlHousinl CocIo secdons 201.3 8Dd 1605. <br />'4 MDH JapoDse to DIu. Labs, S. <br />." Oakdale City OtdinaDce Code, It 18.16 throuah 18-28. <br />7' AnOD ell)' Orelia.. Cade. 1121-20 tbro.21.22. <br />77 Northfield OrdmaDce Code 1122.20 I throush 22-215. A copy of the Northfield Ordinance Cad alao be found in <br />Section VB of1bese materials. <br />?8 See Olmstead Couaty Board Resolution 01.99 (Oct. 23,2001). <br />7P For aucther example of a aaurdcipaJ om_co requirin, c1a.aup of metbamphe1amine contaminatioa. see <br />Matthews MwUcipal Otdinacccst f43.07.20 (24 ed. ! 9!n) (BUILDING CONT AMINA TED BY <br />METHAMPHETAMINE). <br />80 l\mH hspo., to Drug Labs, 7. <br />8J Id. <br />82 Id. See SectiOD 4: Local Response - Itetailers' Notification Program. <br /> <br />.. 2] · <br />