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<br />MAY-02-2003 12: 35 <br /> <br />LEAGUE OF MN CITIES <br /> <br />P.25/25 <br /> <br />8] Sa: Mim1esota Rules Chapter 7045 (speoifioalJ)' 704S.0221, .0292, aDd. .0566). See also MimLesotaPoUutitm <br />COlltrol Agency publicatioa: ManaliDs Warr.e from Disassembled Claudestine DI1lI Laboratories (Hazardous <br />Waste j3.19, JUDe 2000). <br />14 McQuillin. The Law ofMUDioipal CorporatiOl18 (3rd e4.), Volume 11, 0 32.28.10 (Eminent Domain. IITaking" of <br />Property, Hazardous Waste Mau.gemer1l). See also 132.27 (TaldDJ lJnder Police Power Distinggished). Ofhet <br />helpful sources of infoDDation can be fOB iD Amerioan Jurisprwieuce, Second Edition, Volume 26, BmiDent <br />Domain i 12 (Factors Considered In DetennimDS 'Whe1ber Particular RegulaticJ1 Constimtcs Te1dns) (.'Coutts bave <br />co~s_t1)' held 1ha.t a state need Dot provide compensation whell, tbroll8h regulation or ))Ollce p01Ver, it diminishes <br />or destroys the value of properly by stopping inept activity or abadDg a public nuismce. "). See also COIp\lS Juris <br />Sec\lDdwD, Volume 29,A, (Eminent Domain). 08 (police And Other 1l=latod Power, In General). Ilslev&l2t cases <br />include~ Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, 50S U.S. 1003, 112 S.Ct. 2886, (1992); ~stoDe Bituminous <br />Coal Asltn v. DeBenedictis, 480 U.S. 470, 107 S.Ct. 1232 (1987); ~e Acre Farms. IDe. v. U.S.. 2002 WL 20]8674 <br />(Fed.Cl.,2002); Bran v. State ofC.Ufami.., 26 CaJ.Rptr.2d 681 (1993) limited by Massingill v. DepartmeJ.\tof <br />food" Agriculture, 125 Cal.R.p1r.2d 561 {2002}; Jonian'Va Com., 549 S.E.2d 621 (VL App. 200 I); Aztec MiDorals <br />Corp. v. R.omer, 940 P.2d 1025 (Colo.App~l~~); B. C. CottoD. Ino. v, VOl., 39 CaLRptr.2d. -4~ (199S); ~ <br />Not1heastern Pharmaceutical '" Chemical Co.! me.tSIO F.2d 726 (Mo. J986); Nassr v, Com., 394 Mass. 767,477 <br />N.E.2d 987 (198S). <br />85 Ttaini.Dg are available OD~ Basic metb lab facta. smas, recognition. hazards. Ueer sipa aud. $ymptoms; Health <br />effects in users. c~ first responders and other at tab sites; lab cleanup SUidelines: HmdliDg ofhatardous <br />materials; Child eva1\Jation and veaDllent; Local response needs. Moth lab roles and ro.ponsibiJitiesj Other tapics <br />uloll request. <br />8 Providoa emersency ~ services and advice regarding the shiPI'm, and traDSpOl'tation of hazardous <br />materials including metb. inaredients sa= at local!.. Trainings are available OD: ldeDtl1icatiOD aDd nnspon of' <br />hazardous materials; +-hour initial awateaess cl.. meetms OSHA iDitial responder t.miDIDi standards: Clus for <br />road olem-up crews or volunteers on identifyins. evahzatiDllDd dea1iD: with hazardcus materi81l OIl public <br />~ropm1y . <br />., Infonuati011 is available on coDtammation anellor envircmmcm.tal impacts to soiL water, sanitary sower, atc)nn <br />sewer aDd septic systemS. <br />88 Fact-sheets and other moth Jab related iZlfonoation from many Mhmesota asmcies is available. <br />8t The MilmaSota Department of C8Il help investigate whoro the meth lab \18on obt8ined their anhydro\J.S <br />ammonia aDd then worl.c with the source to prevellt 51. misuse Uldlcr theft of me chetnicaL <br />90 According to 1he Minnesota Deparunent of" Health, there is no statewide cmtifiC&bon PfOII'mD for dn:as lab <br />cleanup companies. The con1ractcrs 011 the list clare known to be liecmseel professioaala who have used MOH <br />eloanllp guidance 10 8\lCC888CWly perform interior Iftd exteriOr dnlllab usessment, cleanup. sampling and final <br />reporting.'. MDH Response to Drug Labs, IS. <br /> <br />.. 22 · <br /> <br />TOT~L P.25 <br />