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<br />02/21/2008 15:18 IFAX forestlakerealtyfax@cbburnet.col . Forestlake Fax ~002/028 <br />82(21/2886 14:87 6514641898 TENNIS AND COLLINS PAGE 82 <br /> <br />MJlI8r/Davls Co.. SL Paul. MN 861-842-1888 <br />'1/11,,,'" Form 1811CIPA <br />COMMERCIAL~DUST~L <br />PURCHASE AGREEMENT <br />ThI8 (ann apPfOVBd by the Mlnneaats AsaooI.Uon of <br />REAL TORSe, whIch dfaclelms any liability <br />arising Qut of ut. or mfause of WI fOtrn. <br />"2004, Mlnneaota AsIocIation at REAL TORSe, EdIna, MN <br />1. Da. II'l!hft.~tf ,nn.c <br />2. Page 1 <br /> <br />3. RECEIVED OF <br />4. the sum of <br />5. <br /> <br />gA. R A WTl 011 ~JMrRRyn J." "~ A UinftAa~tA Iimftt1l!ld ~f."i1i1:y ~,A~R"Y <br /> <br />) DOLLARS <br />u eamett money and In part payment for the 'purchase of propeny <br /> <br />(ohlGlc. CUh or note · .. vmra.) <br />8. at ?nR4 IIn" '7n~1 r...mev;l1l1J 11ft.". ~"'"tI!M~'A . <br />7. Stat, of Minnesota, and legally described .a follows: <br />8. ~AA AftAfthNl Ryldhit A <br />9. <br />10. together whh the following personal prop.rcy: ~ftftA <br />11. <br />12. ._. <br /> <br />1 S. all of whloh property the unde'llgned has this day lold to Buye, for the lum of: <br /> <br />14 . DOLLARS, which Buye, agres8 1tn "." '" the following menner: <br />16. earnest money herein pa"" .... , olsh, on MAM" 11 <br />18. 20Q6.., the date of Closing ana tn. Dalane. of bV flnlnolng I' 'hown on the Ittached Addendum. <br /> <br />17. 1. DEED/MARKeTABU TITLE: SubJlo' to perform.not bv luy.r, Stller Igr...10 .-Mute Ind d.Uv,r 8 <br />, B. Warranty Dead conv.ylng marketable. to the properly auDJect anly to the following exoeptlona: <br />19. (8) buDding and zoning laWl, ordlnanou, Stili Ind Fedar8J regulltlana; (b) I'IItrlCllana relating to UI8 or Improvement 01 the premia.. without <br />20. effective forfeiture provision; (0) rel'Natlon of any minerai. or minerai rlghtl to the 8tate Of Mlnnt8Ot8; (d) utlnlV and dralnsge eaaementa <br />21. which do not Interfere wfth prelent Improvlmantli (e) rights of tenanII u followa: <br />22. 'I'~~w\t Oll an f\nal mnnth tn ~N"IAAIA,t ,n.. ~p'"tI~.pun1A Rftlld <br />23. <br />24. <br /> <br />81t".tld In the County of <br /> <br />A.1\^1ra <br /> <br />25. 2. REAL ESTATE TAXES: Rtat Illite taua due and payable In the year of oIDelng ahall be prorated bllwaen SeUe, and auvw on 8 <br />28. calendar ~ar "II to the actual date of clOIlng unl.. othtrwl.. plWldaclln Vda Pureht.. Agreement. Rell__ t8xea payable In the )'8111 <br />27. prior to dOlIng shaD ba paid b~ SeDer. Real.... tax. payable In thl 18- l&lDaaquem to oIoIlng ,haJl be paid by Buyer. <br /> <br />28. 3. SPECIAL ASSES8MENTS: <br />29. 0 BUYER AND SELLER SHALL PRORATE AS 0' THE DATI 0' OLOSlNG ~ 8ELLIR 'HALL PAY on the elate of _Ine <br />("". one} <br />30. alllnstallmenta 0' eplClala...asmlntl certified for pa~.nt with thl ml....te tuN due and payable In the year of cloaIng. <br />31. 0 BUYER SHALL AlIUME .~ 8ILLIR SHALl. PAY ON DATI 0' GL081NG all ather .peoJaJ ......mentallVled 81 of the <br />(.h.. .M} <br />32. date of this Agreement <br />33. 0 BUYER SHALL ASSUME ~ SELLER SHALl. PROVlD! FOR PAYMENT Of pending 88 of the <br />(.,...It en.} <br />34. elate of 1h18 Agreement for Improvem.nCl Ihat have been ordered br the CI~ COuncD or any other gavernmental or private .'88Hlng <br />35. authorities. (Seller's provleJon for payment IhaII be by plymttlt Into 8ICfOW of 1 112 tImeIlhe estimated amount af Ihl IlHIsmsnta.) If a <br />36. lpeclal ......ment becomes pending Ifter the date of thII Purch... Agreement Ind before tht etale or clo,'ng, 8upr may. at Buyer's <br />37. option: (a) IllUme payment of the pending Ipeclal .....ment without adJultment to the purchaa. price: or (b) require Beller 10 pay the <br />38. pending epeclll ....eement (or 88GrOW far PlVlftent of eam. . sum eqUII to 11/2 amee Ite anJected pending ......ment) and Buyer ahall <br />39. pay a commensurate Increase In the purchase price of the proP'~r which 1n0ra'l ahaD ba the lime as the Mumeted amount of the <br />40. lIIU1ment or (c) dlcllre "II PurohlM Agreement terminated by written notice. tD Seller or lIcenIee I1Ipreeentlng at luting SeUer. If Buyer . <br />41. terminateS We Purohat. Agreement. Buyer and Sener lhall immediately algn . --Datfon of purohaaa agreement directing all earnest <br />42. monev paid hereunder to be refunded to Buylr. Siller .hlU pay on dlte of oIoIlng eny deferrid N8I Ntlte ~ or apeclal _menta <br />43. payment of which I. required 88 . nJlult of the aIoIlng of thl. nil. <br /> <br />44. 4. PRORAnONI: Alllttm. oultOmsrllV prorated and adJUItId In connection with the cloaI", of"'t 1." of the proper\' herein including but nat <br />45. limited to rents, opendlng upI",e., In.,. on lilY debt lluumed by Buyer. lhafl be prorated.. of the date of .llng. It l"aU b. 8Aumed <br />48. that Buyer will own the prope." far thl InUre dlle of the oloelng. <br />MNCI:PA.1 (8104) <br /> <br />.I~~~ <br /> <br />,..'_r" <br /> <br />..~ III:: . <br /> <br />till <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />31_ <br />