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<br />02/21/2008 15:18 IFAX forestlakerealtyfaxlcbburnet.col . Forestlake Fax <br />82(21/2886 14:87 6514641898 TENNIS AND COLLINS <br /> <br />III 003/028 <br />PAGE 83 <br /> <br />COMMERCIAL..JNDUSTRIAL <br />PURCHA8EAOREEMENT <br /> <br />47. Addrs.1 7QJt41lnrl7nq!t r!enmMfllll Rna't <br />48. Pagl2 <br /> <br />49. S. DAMAGES TO REAL PROPERTY: If there II any Iou or damage to the property ~etw'8n the dlte h.,eof Ind the date at clallng, for <br />SO. any "Ison, the risk of lOll the'I be on SeUer. If the property .. denroyad or subltantlaUy daml8ed bafore the aloelng, this Putohl" <br />61. Agr.ement ahaD terminate, . Buy,r'. option, If Buy.r glv.. written notice to S.U.r or oelna.. "pr_ntln, or 1IIIedng Seller of luoh <br />82. termlnadon within thirty (30f dava of the damag,. Upon laid tlrmlnatlon, Buyer and S,II,r IhaU Immecllately .Ign I oancellatlon of <br />53. pureh... 8Dr,ement directing III,t mon.y paid h.reunder to 'I refund'" Buver. <br /> <br />54. 8. EXAMINATION OF~: Within I "asonabll tlm. ahlr l008ptlftO, of this Pureh... Agraement, Sell.r shall prmvld. evldenoe of title <br />S5. to Buyer or Buye,'. dealaftl1.d tltl. seMc, provld.r, whloh lhalllnolulte prop., Marohl. Govetlng IIsnkruptOle., ItItI and fed'ral <br />68. Judgments and lIena, and levied and plndlnl ,pealal __llmenta, II followl: <br />57. IP THE PROpeRtY.s ABSTRACT: SeDer shill provldl .kh'f II) . commitment for.n Owner'. poney of UU,lnsuranct on . currlnt <br />sa. AL T A form 'uued bV .n !lnaur.r Ilolnod to write title lnIuranH In Mlnn."ta and SeUe, ehln plV the DOlts of evldencI of till. tor such <br />69. title Insurance polley, and Buyer .hlll plV thl premium for Inv own.r', pOlio, or lend.,', pollOV luued by ,he title Inluranoe oompany, <br />80. th. title 8xa",ln8t1on f.. Ind thl fn for any endo",m.ntl or other ooverlge. requ,ated by BUYI', or (bJ Abavlat of Tltl. cartlfied . <br />81. dat.. SeUer ,hili pay for 1IIIbltnotlno faw Ind lurrendar any aNtraot In SlllIr'. po..enlon or oontrol to Buy., It CIMlng. <br /> <br />82. IF THE PROPERTY ,. TORRENS, SIU.r ahall provide, It Buyer's option and 'equllt, either. el) . Ftlglltered Propeny Absuact oeRlfled <br />83. to dete; or tbJ a commltm.nt for In own..... polloV of tltl. In",nnal on I currtnt ALTA form laeued by Nurer Uoene,ct. write title <br />84. Inauranoe In Minnesota. 8'''er .".U be "'PORl~I. to paV. und.r 111ht, altlan, onlv tho.. anti nlc....ry 10 prepare thl Real't"ed <br />86. PrOPSRV AIa.eraoe or aommltm'''1. Buyer .hlll, ., Buyer'. option, pay 'or tither _n luom.y', title opinion or the "'Ie Inturance pt.mlum <br />86. (tol bo," an own"'. pongy Inel Iny 'Inel.,', poUoy Ind th. ...mlnatlon f"t toO"'.' with "" 00'" for Iny .ndonlmlnt. or oth.r <br />87. covef'O.' tequeated Irt Buy.rl. <br /> <br />U. Buye, s"ln have ten C 1 OJ bUlln... dive Ifter ,eoelpt of m. AbstrIOt of nUl, RIglltertd Prop.rty AtJlUlat or Utle lnIul'lnol <br />69. commitment to provldl aa"er, or Ilo.n..e r.pre.entln, or .a.etlng Slnlr, with written otaJ,otIDna 10 '1tI1. 8uylf .hall b' d..",.d to <br />70. have waived any title obJeotlon. not nde within lUoh ten (10' dlV parlod, txoe" thlt !hit Ihlll not opeme u . waIY., of SIH.,', <br />71. Govenant to deliver I W.".nlV De.d, If. W.rranty Deed II ,plalfled In thlt Purohl.. Agr..""",, Sell., .hlll use Sell.,', beet efforts to <br />72. co,rect any tltla objection. noted by Iw.r and to provide markeUbll 1111, bV the "11. of Clo,fng. In thl IVlnt SeU., hi' not aurad the <br />73. title abjections or otherwl.. prOVided marketable tkI. bv th. Itltl of CloIIng, Setler lhall hlV' In addltlonll thlny (SOt claya to corrlct <br />74. thl tltl. obJ.ctlone or otherwlle mak.lIt1. matketatJl.. luyer may wllve title obJeotloRl or other d,fects by written nDtlDe to Sellar or <br />7&."tlna or l.alnAg Seller. In Iddltlon tD the thirty (Sot devatlnalon, Buye, 'nd Se".r may by mutual agreement further <br />78. extend the CI08b\Q date. Leoklng ,uGh eXllnalon, either party mav clHI.r. chi, Purch... Aor..ment termInated end nelth.r Pitt\' ahan <br />77. be Hable for dIMao.. to 'h. o.ef. luy.r end SeOer "'11I1",m.dllttly "8n I omollllllon of purohl.. Igr.lment dlre;tlng all tam." <br />78. money paid hereunder to b. refunded to Buy.,. <br /> <br />79. 7. POSSESSION: SeUer ahall d.,IY.r po....lon of IhI property on the dati of Closing. <br /> <br />80. 8. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIEI: e.. attached Addendum, <br /> <br />81. 9. nME 18 OF THE ElIENCE fOR ALL PROVlIIONS OF THIS CONTRACT, <br /> <br />82. 10. SELLER CERTIFieS THAT 8ELLERO DOE8~ DOES NOT KNOW OF A PRIVATE 8EWER 8YSTEM ON OR SERVING <br /> <br />83. THE PROPERTY: (I' anawlr I. DOlI, .~t."I:wO:)8r.tem DlloIOlure,) <br /> <br />84. 11. SELLER CERnFIE8 THAT SELLER ~DOEsr1 DOEI NOT KNOW 0' ANY WILLI ON OR SERVING THE PROPERTY. <br />-(;=...j- . <br />8S. (If answer II DOES, ... Well Dllcl08U,. 8tat8mant.) <br /> <br />8e. 12. ADDENDA. Attach.d .re (numberJ Addenda whloh It. mad, . pin of thll Purchls, Ag,"""m. <br /> <br />87. 13. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. <br />88. (It Survival. All of the WlrrenU.., ,.,r..entlllo", and OOVlnenD of thle Alre.mtnt Ih.lllurvlve and be ," aner the oloalng. <br />88. tbt InCI,. Agreem,nt, ModlflaaCion. Thl. Puroh..1 Agreemant conltltutel 11\, Ilmple. IIN,ment between the patti.. and supersedea <br />90. any prior oral or wrlU.n agf.emenu betw.en the pi nit. ",Irdlng the propertY. There .r. no Ylrbll "r......ntl that change th18 <br />91. Purcha.e Agreement end no waI~er of any of I" Ctrma will b. .ffeotlvt unltu In writing ..eouttd by the paRlee. <br />92. (oJ SUCCI..O.. and AI.IIM, If thl. PurohIH Agreement II ..lIan,eI. I" provlllon, of thl, Purchl88, shall b. binding on <br />83. "'OONIIO!" Inel ...Igne. <br /> <br />94. 14. ACCEPTANCe DIADUNE. this offer to purchul, unle.. I.eptlcaleone" "'all b. nuU ami void" 11;&8 p.m., <br />ea. &bnl~~ , 2004..- , Inelln .uch IWnt tU .I,neet mon.v .hln b, refunded to Buyer. <br /> <br />MNCI:PA.2 (8104) <br /> <br />:. ::]~~~..: <br /> <br />. . 18111t~ <br /> <br />'11 r.t.... .. · <br /> <br />flll <br /> <br />3~ <br />