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<br />RESIDENTIAL FACILITY. A state-licensed residential facility, defined by M.S. <br />Chapter 462, as amended, serving 6 or fewer persons, in a single-family residential district and <br />no more than 16 persons in a multiple-family residential district. <br /> <br />RIGHT-OF-WAY. A street, alley or easement permanently established for the passage <br />of persons and vehicles, including the traveled surface of lands adjacent that are formally <br />dedicated to that usage. <br /> <br />SEMIPUBLIC USE. The use of land by a private, nonprofit organization to provide a <br />public service that is ordinarily open to some persons outside the regular constituency of the <br />organization. <br /> <br />SETBACK. The minimum horizontal distance between a lot line and a building line or <br /> <br />use. <br /> <br />SEWER SYSTEM. Pipelines or conduits, pumping stations, forcemain, and all other <br />construction devices, appliances or appurtenances used for conducting sewage or industrial waste <br />or other wastes to a point of ultimate disposal. <br /> <br />SHORE IMPACT ZONE. Land located between the ordinary high water level of a <br />public water and a line parallel to it at a setback of50% of the structure setback. <br /> <br />SIGN. See Chapter 152 of this code of ordinances. <br /> <br />SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC SITE. Any archaeological site, standing structure or other <br />property that meets the criteria for eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places or is <br />listed in the State Register of Historic Sites, or is determined to be an unplatted cemetery that <br />falls under the provisions of M.S. ~ 307.08, as amended. A historic site meets these criteria if it <br />is presently listed on either register or if it is determined to meet the qualifications for listing <br />after review by the Minnesota State Archaeologist or the Director of the Minnesota Historical <br />Society. All unplatted cemeteries are automatically considered to be SIGNIFICANT <br />HISTORIC SITES. <br /> <br />STEEP SLOPE. Land where agricultural activity or development is either not <br />recommended or described as poorly suited due to slope steepness and the site's soil <br />characteristics, as mapped and described in available county soil surveys or other technical <br />reports, unless appropriate design and construction techniques and farming practices are used in <br />accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Where specific information is not available, <br />STEEP SLOPES are land having average slopes over 12%, as measured over horizontal <br />distances of 50 feet or more. <br /> <br />STORY. That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the <br />surface of the next floor above it, or if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor <br />and the ceiling next above it. <br />