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STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT <br /> COUNTY OF ANOKA TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT <br /> In Re Petition of ) PETITION UNDER <br /> GDI INVESTMENTS#1 LLC ) M.S.A. § 278.01 ET SEQ. <br /> for a Determination of ) <br /> Objections to Certain Taxes ) COURT FILE NO. <br /> Payable in the Year 2014 ) Other Civil <br /> Your Petitioner, GDI INVESTMENTS #1 LLC, respectfully represents and presents to the Court <br /> Petitioner's claim for relief under M.S.A. § 278.01 et seq., and alleges as follows: <br /> 1. <br /> That Petitioner is the owner of the parcels of real estate in the City of Centerville, County of <br /> Anoka, State of Minnesota, legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, said <br /> property being described for assessment purposes as located in the Property Identification Numbers set <br /> forth on said Exhibit A. <br /> II. <br /> That for the purposes of taxation, the market value of said parcels of real estate was, as of <br /> January 2, 2013, estimated to be in the amounts set forth on said Exhibit A. <br /> III. <br /> That on the basis of the valuations set forth on Exhibit A, real estate taxes payable in 2014 with <br /> respect to said parcels of real estate have been levied in the amounts set forth on Exhibit A. <br /> (Continued on next page) <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Due and personal service of 4 copies of this Due and personal service of 1 copy of this <br /> petition is hereby admitted this day of petition is hereby admitted this day of <br /> April 2014. April 2014. <br /> Anoka Co. Property Tax Administrator for: <br /> Anoka Co. Assessor and <br /> Auditor/Treasurer Anoka Co. Attorney <br /> By By <br />