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N. <br /> That the foregoing valuation of said real estate is excessive and greater than its real or actual value, <br /> and discriminates against the real estate in favor of comparable properties. To the extent that the total <br /> market value assigned to said real estate exceeds actual market value or discriminates against said real <br /> estate, said real estate has been partially, unfairly, unequally valued for the said year in violation of <br /> M.S.A. § 273.11 and in violation of Article X, section 1, of the Constitution of the State of Minnesota; <br /> and that the tax levied against the same is illegal in whole or in part, within the meaning and <br /> contemplation of M.S.A. § 278.01, et. seq. To the extent that the tax levied against said real estate is <br /> based on a total market value which exceeds actual market value or discriminates against said real estate, <br /> the real estate will be taken without due process of law, in violation of Article I, section 7 of said <br /> Constitution. <br /> V. <br /> That the limitations on relief set forth in M.S.A. § 278.05 subd. 4(d) unconstitutionally violate the <br /> prohibitions against (i) denial of due process, (ii) denial of equal protection of the laws, (iii) lack of <br /> uniformity in taxation, (iv) denial of redress of injuries or wrongs, and (v) exercise by the legislature of <br /> powers properly belonging to the judiciary, contained in the state and federal constitutions. <br /> VI. <br /> That for purposes of real estate taxation,the real estate is improperly classified. <br /> WHEREFORE, the Petitioner prays that the Court determine and adjudicate the validity of its <br /> claim and objections as above set forth; that it determine the fair and proper valuation of said real <br /> property for tax purposes as of January 2, 2013; that it award costs, disbursements and interest to <br /> Petitioner; that it declare the limitation of relief contained in M.S.A. § 278.05 subd. 4(d) unconstitutional; <br /> that it classify the property in accordance with the law; and that it award such other relief as the court <br /> deems just and equitable. <br /> The undersigned hereby acknowledges that costs, disbursements, and reasonable attorney and <br /> witness fees may be awarded to the party against whom the allegations in this pleading are asserted <br /> pursuant to Minn. Stat. §549.21, subd. 2. <br /> Dated: April , 2014. GRAY,PLANT, MOOTY,MOOTY & BENNETT, P.A. <br /> By l <br /> Edward J. orne No. 0061025 <br /> Laura J. Siaukach-, <br /> enbauer,AttAtto ey No. 18312X <br /> Attorneys for Petitioner <br /> 500 IDS Center <br /> 80 South Eighth Street <br /> Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 <br /> Telephone: (612)632-3000 <br /> GDI/Anoka County <br /> GP 3657515 v] <br /> -2- <br />