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Res. #14-030 - Adopting Anoka County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
City Council
Res. #14-030 - Adopting Anoka County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
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10/17/2014 8:20:34 AM
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I. REASON FOR PLAN <br /> Tornadoes, floods, blizzards, droughts and other natural disasters can affect the <br /> cities of Centerville, Circle Pines and Lexington. In addition, major disasters <br /> such as train wrecks, plane crashes, explosions, hazardous materials incidents, <br /> terrorism, pipeline leaks, nuclear power plant incidents, and national security <br /> emergencies pose a potential threat to public health and safety within our cities. <br /> An emergency plan is needed to enable government to continue to operate and <br /> carry out emergency functions, and to protect the public, and in some cases the <br /> environment, from the effects of the above-mentioned hazards. <br /> II. PURPOSE, FORMAT,AND SUMMARY OF PLAN <br /> A. PURPOSE <br /> The cities of Centerville, Circle Pines and Lexington have many capabilities <br /> and resources which could be used in response to any major disaster. <br /> These include the facilities, equipment, personnel, and skills of both <br /> government and non-government professions and groups in our <br /> jurisdiction, Anoka County, as well as other neighboring Counties. The <br /> purpose of this plan is to ensure the effective, coordinated use of these <br /> resources so as to: <br /> 1. Maximize the protection of life and property. <br /> 2. Ensure the continuity of government. <br /> 3. Provide support to all areas and political subdivisions in the <br /> county which requires assistance. <br /> B. FORMAT AND SUMMARY <br /> The Centennial Lakes Police Department Emergency Operations Plan has <br /> three primary parts: an all-hazard basic plan with 14 supporting <br /> annexes, a series of standard operating procedures (SOP's), and a <br /> resource manual. The basic plan focuses primarily on the assignment of <br /> emergency responsibilities and on general operations policies. It is <br /> directed at those officials who have overall direction and control <br /> responsibilities - the Centennial Lakes Governing Board and the Police <br /> Chief. The annexes elaborate on the responsibility assignments made in <br /> the basic plan. They are of primary value to agency and department heads. <br /> The SOP's are detailed procedural documents to be used by the personnel <br /> who are expected to carry out the responsibility assignments contained <br /> in the basic plan and annexes. The resource manual is an inventory of <br /> materials, equipment, supplies, and organizations that could be <br /> needed in the event of a major emergency/disaster. It contains <br /> information that may be helpful to a variety of government officials. <br /> 6 <br />
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