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Measured wet weather peak to average ratio: The observed peak-hour flow during wet <br /> weather divided by the target annual flow. <br /> Metropolitan Development Guide: The collection of regional plans that includes Thrive MSP <br /> 2040 and the policy plans for the regional systems: transportation, wastewater and water <br /> quality, regional parks and open space. <br /> Metropolitan Land Planning Act : Minnesota Statute 473 directing the Council to adopt long- <br /> range, comprehensive policy plans for transportation, airports, wastewater services, and parks <br /> and open space, and authorizing the Council to review the comprehensive plans of local <br /> governments. <br /> Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA): The area, in which the Metropolitan Council <br /> ensures that regional services and facilities under its jurisdiction are provided. <br /> Multifamily housing: Residential structure with two or more separate dwelling units. <br /> Nonurban land uses: Residential, commercial or industrial land uses that are not found in the <br /> urban area, and where urban services are unavailable. (Compare with urban land uses.) <br /> Observed peak-hour flow: The observed peak- hour flow is the highest flow rate over one hour <br /> duration during a 24-hour period that has been measured and reported. <br /> Observed peak-to-average ratio: The observed peak to average ratio is the observed peak <br /> hour flow divided by the annual average flow. <br /> On-site septic system: System for disposing and treating human and domestic waste at or <br /> near the location where the waste is generated, such as a septic tank and soil absorption <br /> system or other system, allowed by state and city when access to the municipal sewer system is <br /> not required of feasible. <br /> Open Space: Public and private land that is generally natural in character. It may support <br /> agricultural production, or provide outdoor recreational opportunities, or protect cultural and <br /> natural resources. It contains relatively few buildings or other human-made structures. <br /> Depending on the location and surrounding land use, open space can range in size from a small <br /> city plaza or neighborhood park of several hundred square feet, corridors linking neighborhoods <br /> of several acres to pasture, croplands or natural areas and parks covering thousands of acres. <br /> Ordinance: A law or regulation adopted by a governmental authority, usually a city or county. <br /> Policy Area: An area distinguished by its land use patterns, community needs and other <br /> factors, with its own set of specified policies and implementation strategies. <br /> Recharge: <br /> 1. Process by which water from rainfall, snowmelt or other sources seeps through the soil into <br /> the saturated zone. <br /> 2. The portion of infiltration that moves from the unsaturated sediment below the root zone into <br /> the underlying aquifers (saturated zone). <br /> 90 <br />