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Recharge Area: An area where surface water from rainfall, snowmelt or other sources seeps <br /> through the soil into the saturated zone. <br /> Redevelopment: Any proposed expansion, addition, or major fagade change of an existing <br /> building, structure, or parking facility. <br /> Regional Infrastructure: Infrastructure pertaining to any of the Council's systems: wastewater, <br /> transportation, and parks and open space (See also regional systems.) <br /> Regional Systems: Systems for which the Metropolitan Council is the responsible planning and <br /> operating authority. They include wastewater services, transportation, parks and open space, <br /> and airports. (See also regional infrastructure.) <br /> Reinvestment: Investment intended to improve upon, remodel or replace existing infrastructure <br /> that has become out-dated and obsolete. <br /> Runoff: Rainfall or snowmelt that has not evaporated or infiltrated into the soil, but flows over <br /> the ground surface. <br /> Rural Centers: Local commercial, employment, and residential activity centers serving rural <br /> areas in the region. These small towns are surrounded by agricultural lands and serve as <br /> centers of commerce to those surrounding farm lands. The density is 3-5 units/acre. <br /> Rural Residential Area: Communities that have residential patterns characterized by large lots <br /> and do not have plans to provide urban infrastructure. Maximum allowable density is 4 units/40 <br /> acres. <br /> S-eptage: Solids and liquids removed during periodic maintenance of an individual sewage <br /> treatment system, or solids and liquids that are removed from toilet waste treatment devices <br /> such or a holding tank. <br /> Septic system: (See on-site septic treatment system.) <br /> Sewershed: The area that actually or could potentially contribute wastewater to a single point in <br /> the MCES interceptor system. <br /> Stormwater: Surplus surface water generated by rainfall that does not seep into the earth but <br /> flows overland to flowing or fixed bodies of water. (See also runoff.) <br /> Suburban area: Communities that saw their primary era of development during the 1980s and <br /> early 1990s. Suburban communities also include places that were once resort destinations <br /> along Lake Minnetonka and White Bear Lake and along the St. Croix River. Suburban <br /> communities are in the MUSA and have a minimum average net density of 5 units/acre. <br /> Suburban Edge: Communities that have experienced significant residential growth beginning in <br /> the 1990s and continuing to the 2010s. At least 40% of the land in these communities is <br /> developed, but significant amounts of land remain for future development. Suburban Edge <br /> communities are in the MUSA and have a minimum average net density of 3-5 units/acre. <br /> Surcharging: To fill beyond the capacity of the pipe; overflow. <br /> 91 <br />