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City of Centerville <br /> Planning and Zoning Commission <br /> March 3,2015 <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Koski, seconded by Commissioner Montain to <br /> close the public hearing at 6:35 p.m. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> IV. OLD BUSINESS—None <br /> V. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 1) Draft Report and Recommendation for approval of Conditional Use Permit— <br /> 6845—201h Avenue South, Ste. #160, Ultimate Martial Arts Studio. <br /> The Commission discussed the proposed permit and the draft document. Assistant Fire <br /> Chief Bruder stated that with the anticipated remodeling, additional sprinkler heads would <br /> need to be installed along with applicable permits. Building Official Palzer also concurred <br /> that with the tenant's build out, applicable permits would need to be obtained along with <br /> following all codes regarding the use of the building and its current zoning. <br /> Mr. Hanson stated that he intended on remodeling the interior of the suite and would <br /> follow all applicable codes. He stated that his business and the neighboring business was a <br /> good fit. He said he should be allowed to continue his operation and is willing to comply <br /> with any requirements placed on him by the commission and Council. <br /> Subsequent to discussion regarding fire lane stripping and the necessity of a pre-inspection <br /> by the Fire Marshal, the permit was modified with these inclusions. <br /> Motion by Commissioner Koski, seconded by Commissioner Mosher to adopt the findings <br /> and recommendation in favor of the proposed conditional use with the recommended <br /> modifications. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> 2) Call for a Public Hearing, Conditional Use Permit—6995 - 20th Avenue South— <br /> (Mechanical Air Systems, Inc.) <br /> Owner-operator Mr. Tim McNamara was present to introduce himself, his company and <br /> address any and all concerns that the commission may have. Mechanical Air Systems, Inc. <br /> is an HVAC (Heating/Cooling) business which employs fourteen (14) individuals. Mr. <br /> McNamara explained that the current owners of the property (Mr. & Mrs. Will Lessard) <br /> have submitted a plat for subdivision of the property and it has been approved by both the <br /> Planning & Zoning Commission and Council along with additional requirements. Mr. <br /> McNamara stated that he would be operating his business mostly off-site or within the <br /> confines of the building, hours of operation would be Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. to <br /> 5:00 p.m. The business operates with five (5) trucks, four (4) trailers and various <br /> equipment which would be stored outside, however there would be occasional equipment <br /> that would be housed on the site and outdoors prior to it being recycled for scrap. Mr. <br /> McNamara stated that he and his employees would make every effort not to stack <br /> equipment higher than the fence and truly desired to maintain a clean appearance of his <br /> company. <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />