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Sanitary sewers are designed to handle daily and seasonal variations in generated wastewater <br /> flow. The Appendix also presents wastewater flow variation factors, which increase as average <br /> flow decreases. Appendix A-1 presents flow variation factors for sewer design. These factors <br /> reflect that sanitary sewers (local and regional) have been designed for average residential, <br /> commercial, and industrial flow of 100 gallons per capita per day. Currently actual average flow <br /> is approximately 85 gallons per capita per day. To establish infiltration and inflow mitigation <br /> goals, the design flow variation factors have been adjusted upward (divided by 0.85), which <br /> reflects available capacity for infiltration and inflow. These factors are presented in Appendix A- <br /> 2. <br /> Capital Improvement Plan <br /> This section of the system plan presents a capital improvement plan for the 2016- 2040 period. <br /> The three objectives of the capital improvement plan are: <br /> Preserve the infrastructure investment through rehabilitation/replacement. Note: <br /> Interceptor rehabilitation also reduces inflow and infiltration which recovers system <br /> capacity <br /> • Strategically expand the system capacity through treatment plant and interceptor <br /> expansions and interceptor extensions, and <br /> • Improve the quality of service by reusing wastewater, increasing system reliability, and <br /> conserving and generating energy <br /> Table 4. Sewered Population and Employment Forecasts (thousands) <br /> Wastewater Treatment Plant 2010 2040 2010 2040 <br /> Pop. Pop. Emp. Emp. <br /> Blue take 269.18 420.69 162.04 245.62 <br /> Crow River (Rogers) 0.00 15.09 0.00 11.79 <br /> Eagles Point 68.05 114.13 12.71 26.11 <br /> East Bethel 0.00 11.45 0.00 1.28 <br /> Empire 133.33 210.61 35.71 59.36 <br /> Hastings 22.17 30.10 8.60 11.40 <br /> Metropolitan 1,778.36 2,227.87 1,054.38 1,391.07 <br /> New Germany 0.00 1.40 0.00 0.09 <br /> St. Croix Valley 26.14 32.70 17.64 24.30 <br /> Seneca 242.99 292.84 178.38 239.13 <br /> Total 2,540.23 3,356.87 1,469.50 2,010.14 <br /> 37 <br />