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Motion was made by Committee Member Peterson, seconded by Committee <br />Member Amundsen to recommend to the City Council to increase the P & R budget <br />line item for Music In the Parks from $2,200.00 to $2,700. which would include the <br />annual ASCAM fee. All in Favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br /> <br /> <br /> Motion was made by Committee Member Peterson, seconded by Committee Member <br />Bettinger to approve the January 7, 2015 minutes with the following correction: on page 2 <br />thth <br />under V. Committee Business, 3. last paragraph change April 188 to April 18. All in <br />favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />V. COMMITTEE BUSINESS <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />1.Music in the Park – Mr. Tom Lee <br /> <br /> <br />See Appearances - above <br /> <br /> <br />2.Centennial Soccer Club – requesting use of Acorn & LaMotte ball fields <br /> <br />A Park Facility Permit Application was received from Mr. Matt Koehn, contact <br />person for the Centennial Soccer Club, requesting the use of the baseball, softball <br />fields and facilities at Acorn Park (south area-open field) along with the Laurie <br />LaMotte Memorial Park (fields 1, 2 & 11) from April 1 through July 31, 2015 and <br />from August 1, 2015 through October 30, 2015; Mondays through Fridays from <br />5:00 p.m. until dark. <br /> <br />Following discussion, it was determined to have staff forward a letter to Mr. <br />Koehn requesting a definitive schedule with the dates, times and specific fields <br />they desire to utilize. The uses of the majority of these fields have also been <br />requested by the Centennial Lakes Little League (letter to also be sent to them) <br />and there has not yet been a request from the football clubs/leagues. <br /> <br />th <br /> <br />3.Platting of 7087 – 20 Avenue South – Park Dedication Fees <br /> <br />The committee received a memo from Staff explaining that Council would be <br />discussing this matter. Staff explained to the Committee that previous <br />Administrator Larson was under the impression that due to City Code Chapter <br />153.15B the committee would be receiving park dedication fees from this <br />platting/subdivision. The memo explained that the platting/subdivision was <br />necessitated by retaining property to maintain the water tower rather than a <br />residential subdivision. City Staff obtained an opinion on the matter from Legal <br />Counsel who stated that the City does not have to pay itself. The committee <br />requested that the amount of park dedication fees potentially obtained from this <br />platting/subdivision be forwarded to them via email along with Council Liaison <br />King. Consensus of the Committee was to obtain information from Council on <br />their action. <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />