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Officer. In either case, all costs related to purchase and implantation of the microchip <br /> must be borne by the animal's owner; <br /> (g) An owner of a dangerous animal must renew the registration of the animal annually until <br /> the animal is deceased. If the animal is removed from the jurisdiction, it must be <br /> registered as a dangerous animal in its new jurisdiction; <br /> (h) An owner of a dangerous animal shall sterilize the animal at the owner's expense. If the <br /> owner does not have the animal sterilized within 30 days,the animal control authority <br /> shall seize the animal and have it sterilized at the owner's expense; and <br /> (i) The City may order any additional conditions which it finds just and appropriate to <br /> protect public safety and welfare from the dangerous nature of the animal. <br /> (D)Procedure For Animal Designation. The Animal Control Officer, after having made findings, <br /> designations, or issued orders under this ordinance shall proceed as follows. <br /> (1) The Animal Control Officer shall cause one owner of the animal to be notified in writing or in <br /> person of any findings, designations or orders relating to the animal. This notice shall contain a <br /> statement of reasons describing the facts used to make a designation or order by the Animal <br /> Control Officer. The notice shall also describe the owner's right of appeal to the City. Written <br /> notice shall be sent by certified mail to the last known address of the owner as determined by <br /> animal license records or the location of an attack. If no owner can be ascertained,the animal <br /> shall be destroyed. <br /> (2) An owner shall be given fourteen(14) days to appeal a designation or order by requesting a <br /> hearing before the City Council. If no appeal is filed within the requisite time period,the <br /> designation or order issued against the animal will stand and shall remain in effect for the life of <br /> the animal. <br /> (3) If an owner timely files an appeal from a designation or order of the Animal Control Officer,the <br /> hearing shall be held before the City Council which shall set a date for the hearing not more than <br /> three weeks after demand for the hearing. The City Council may delegate this hearing to be <br /> heard before a designated hearing officer. The records of the Animal Control Officer or any <br /> government agency shall be admissible for consideration during the hearing without further <br /> foundation. A copy of these records shall be made available to the owner at least one week <br /> before the hearing. The City shall notify any victim of an attack by the animal of the hearing <br /> date and time. <br /> (4) During the hearing, a finding by the Animal Control Officer shall be presumed correct but is <br /> subject to review. After considering the evidence and statements of the parties, the City Council <br /> 46 <br />