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animal into custody pending the outcome of the appeal. After appeal, if the animal is ordered into <br /> custody for destruction, the owner shall immediately make the animal available to the Animal <br /> Control Officer, and at the owners request and expense, destruction shall be stayed for fourteen <br /> days. <br /> (6) No person shall harbor an animal after it has been found to be dangerous and ordered into <br /> custody for destruction. <br /> (7) The animal owner shall bear all of the costs of these proceedings,board and care for an animal <br /> taken into custody, and other related expenses incurred by the City. <br /> (E)Exemptions to Animal Designation. Animals may not be declared potentially dangerous or dangerous if <br /> the threat,injury, or damage was sustained by a person: <br /> (1) Who was committing, at the time, a willful trespass or other tort upon the premises occupied by <br /> the owner of the animal; <br /> (2) Who was provoking,tormenting, abusing, or assaulting the animal or who can be shown to have <br /> repeatedly, in the past, provoked,tormented, abused, or assaulted the animal; or <br /> (3) Who was committing or attempting to commit a crime. <br /> (F)Rental Property-Disclosure Required. A person who owns a potentially dangerous animal or a <br /> dangerous animal, and will reside in rental property must disclose whether such an animal will be kept <br /> on the premises for any period of time. The animal owner must notify the rental property owner that a <br /> designated animal will be kept on the premises and shall also disclose all conditions imposed by the City <br /> related to that designation. This disclosure must occur immediately upon an animal designation imposed <br /> by the City, or before the animal owner enters into a lease or begins residing at such a premises. Proof of <br /> this disclosure must occur before the owner's animal registration with the City will be granted or <br /> renewed. <br /> (G)Stopping an Attack. If any police officer or Animal Control Officer is witness to an attack by an animal <br /> upon a person or another animal, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems appropriate to <br /> bring the attack to an end and prevent further injury to a victim. <br /> (H)Notification of New Address. The owner of an animal which has been identified as dangerous or <br /> potentially dangerous shall notify the Animal Control Officer in writing if the animal dies or is to be <br /> relocated from its current address or given or sold to another person. The notification shall be given in <br /> writing within 30 days of the death or at least 14 days prior to the relocation or transfer of ownership. <br /> The notification shall include the current owner's name and address, the relocation address and the name <br /> of the new owner, if any. <br /> 47 <br />