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<br />Effective: 4/24/91 <br />; city ofCenterville Ord. #17-A <br />. <br /> <br />It is unlawful for any person to enter, operate or stop a snowmobile within the limits of the City of <br />Centerville: <br /> <br />1. On the roadway of any street, except the most right band lane then available for traffic or as <br />close as practicable to right band curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking and <br />passing another vehicle stopped in the lane or proceeding in the same direction, or in <br />making a left turn. Snowmobiles are also prohibited upon the inside slope and roadway of <br />any trunk, county-state aid and county highways where such highways are so configured <br />within the corporate limits. <br /> <br />2. On a public sidewalk provided for pedestrian travel. <br />3. On boulevards within any public right-of-way. <br /> <br />4. On private property of another without specific permission of the owner or person in <br />control of said property. <br /> <br />S. Upon any school grounds, except as permission is expressly obtained from responsible <br />school authorities. <br /> <br />6. On public property, playgrounds and recreation areas, except areas previously listed or <br />authorized for such use by the Park Board, in which case such use shall be lawful, and <br />snowmobiles may be driven in and out of such areas by the shortest route. Authorized <br />areas in the City of Centerville shall be desigJ1ated by resolution of the Park Board and <br />approved by the City Council. <br /> <br />7. On streets as permitted by this ordinance at a speed exceeding ten (10) miles per hour. <br /> <br />8. During the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Sunday through Thursday, and 12:00 a.m. to <br />8:00 a.m., Friday and Saturday. This provision is not intended to prohibit snowmobiles <br />from operating on City streets during the hours specified herein. Nor shall. it prohibit the <br />operator of a snowmobile from entering or leaving the City of Centerville during the above <br />ho~ providing that the operator of a snowmobile utilized the most direct route of travel to <br />and from the operator's residence or destination. <br /> <br />9. W'rthin two hundred (200) feet of church property during the hours of church services, and <br />during the hours of other church functions. This provision is not intended to prolu"bit <br />snowmobiles from operating on City street adjacent to church property during the hours <br />specified herein. <br /> <br />1 O. At any i)lace. while under the influence of intoxicatinl liCDJor or c:Iru&s. <br /> <br />11. At any place in a careless. reckless or nejligent ma.nner so as to endanger the person or <br />prQpet'ty of another or to cause injury or da.mSlge thereto. <br /> <br />Page 3 ofS <br />