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<br />Effective: 4/24/91 <br />City ofCenterville Ord. #17-A <br /> <br />S. If the crossing is made between the hours of one-half (112) hour after !Qlnset to one- <br />half (112) hour before sunrise or in conditions of reduced visibilityr it will be <br />permitted only ifboth front and rear lightA are on. <br /> <br />No snowmobile shall enter any uncontrolled intersection without ma.1cing a <br />coIQPlete stQP. The operator Ahal1 then yield the riJht-of-way to 8Qy vehicles or <br />pedMtrianA which constitute 8Qy immediate ha7.Ard. <br /> <br />. Operates Ta Me Hi Of on, ed eeatfEll the &peratieR ef a sll&wme9ile. <br />. Operate" Every persall ~.\'h6 eperates, af is Hi aemal physieal oofttml ef a ~i1e. <br />. Owtten ~A... pernell, ether tliaB a lienheltier ha".riBg the prepefty ill af title ta a SBOWIBehile, <br />a1 emitle8te the use 01' pessessiall tltefeef <br />. ~neBs AB iadividual, partBefShip, eerpafati9B, the state aBEI its ageaeies aBd suhdivisiell, <br />8Bd ey haay af perooftS, whether iBeorpafated af oot. <br />. Readways That pOltieB ef a higkwe.y ar street impnv:eti, tlesigBed er ardiBarily used fer <br />veIHGlllar RVeI. <br />. SB8WB1:8hiles ~A... self propelled vebiele desigBed far travel aft Sft0W ar iee, steered hy skis <br />aT nHHlefS. <br />. StFeets l\ ptlhlie tBeroogbfare, faatb:ay, alley, aT tfail usee fer mater "."e8ieular tFaftie <br />lI.'hiek is oot e illterstate, tnJBk, ooUBty state aid, aT eeaftty higfiway. <br />. Right ef Way: The eBtire strip af laBEl tra";ersed hy a highway ar street Hi whie the <br />puhlie ewBS the fee er e easemeRt fer mHway purpeses. <br />. DeadIB8ll Tltr8tt1e 8r Safety Tltr&ttle: ~\ deviee wweh WfteB pfeSsme is reBlw;ed fFam <br />the eagifte aeeelemter or thmttle, eaused the IB0t0f te he disesgaged from the driviBg <br />meeh&BiSIB. <br />Operate. To ride in or on, and control the operation of a snowmobile. <br />Operator. Every person who operates, or is in actual physical control of a snowmobile. <br />Owner. A person, other than a lien holder having the property in or title to a snowmobile, or <br />entitled to the use or possession th~eof.-and is res.ponsible fOf damS\ges unless the snowmobile is <br />stolen. <br />Person. An individual, partnership, corporation, the state and its agencies and subdivision, and any <br />body of persons, whether incorporated or not. <br />Roadway. That . portion of a highway or street improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular <br />travel. <br />Snowmobile. A self propelled vehicle designed for travel on snow or ice, steered by skis or <br />runners. <br />Street. A public thoroughfare, roadway, alley, or trail used for motor vehicular traffic which is not <br />an interstate, trunk, county-state aid, or county highway. <br />Right-of-Way. The entire strip of land traversed by a highway or street in which the public owns <br />the fee or an easement for roadway purposes. <br />Deadman Throttle or Safety Throttle. A device which when pressure is removed from the engine <br />accelerator or throttle, causes the motor to be disengaged from the driving mechanism. <br /> <br />SECTION 3. RESTRICTIONS. <br /> <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />